used by a writer of good English. The definitions are simply a means to the understanding of the thought herein presented.
"Life" is thought of as the potential principle of all exist- ence. "Religion" is the human being's personal, feeling-appre- ciation of its relations to the Infinite Life, the God-Life. " Reli- gious life" is life characterized by a more or less deep experi- ence of religion. " Ethics " is the science of the conduct of human beings considered as units in an inclusive social organism, society. In its practical effort ethics seeks to state the results ot human actions, and from these results to determine by insight the actions best suited to serve the purpose inherent in each human being's life. " Ethical life " is life characterized by a more or less deep experience of obligation to fulfill the ideal con- duct which ethics sets up. A distinction is recognized between the ethical and the religious life. The fact that many experi- ence a strong feeling of communion between themselves and their God, and yet do not experience a mastering obligation to live true to ethical ideals, leads the writer to designate them as of high religious life and of low ethical life. There are many who have high ethical life and low religious life. The expression, "the development of the ethical and religious life" means the development of the potential principle of existence indwelling in the individual into an experience of strong sympathy with the Infinite God-Life, and of mastering obligation to act always according to conscience. " Church " is the term used to designate the institution of society which has interested itself practically and theoretically in matters of ethics and religion. The term includes all organizations devoted to this kind of work, no matter by what prophet they have been founded.
What is the proper function of this church ? The church is to help human beings perform their great life-task. This task must be the realization of some individual, personal ideal. This ideal is determined for each by the characteristics of his own internal life and by the needs of the environing life ; it is both self-centered and altruistic. And the process by which this ideal
ach is gained by each is a process of personal development.