< Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu
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The work of the Ix>ndon School Board, T. J. Macnamcra, EdR., Je.

Do we need a national university? E. P. Pow- ell, Ed., My.

The founding of Harvard, Sarah Kenyon, GM., Je.

National education, C. L. A. Skinner, FK

Addresses at the first annual meeting of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, J. B. Angell & others, SR., My.

(For educational news in general set EdR., Sc.). Elections: Election of senators by popular vote, John Mitchell, F.,Je.

Le systeme elector.nl Autrichien et la representa- tion des intcrets, Pierre Claudio-Jannet & others, RefS., Je. i.

Electricity, the future of, in railroad work, Louis Duncan, JFI., Je.

Electricity & the horseless carriage problem,

Wm. Baxter, Jr., KM.. My. Environment and man in New England. N. S.

Shaler, NAR.,Je.

Ethics: Deterioration of Soul, Vernon Lee. FR., Je.

L'etica sociale nei drammi di Enrico Ibsen, Filippo Ermini, RISS., My.

The limitations of the introspection method in

ethics, Frank Sharp, PhR., My. Evolution: Reproductive selection, Karl Pearson, NS., My.

A new factor in evolution, J. M. Baldwin, AN.,

The hereditary mechanism & the search for the

unknown factors of evolution, H. F. Osborne,

AN., My. Old & new theories of evolution (Review of

Cape. Primary factors of organic evolution,

and Reid, Present evolution of man). A. R.

Wallace, Nt., Ap. 16. 11 pitecantropo o la scimia-uomo e la teoria del

1'evoluzione, Antonio Neviani, RSo., Ap. L'originedella vita, A. Andres, RIF.,My. L'evolution chimique de rcspece, F. Le Dan tec,

RPh., My. The limits of evolution, G. H. Howison, NW.,

Je. y inspection: Die Fabrik-inspektion in Sud-

deutschland wahrend des Jahres 1895, Max

Quarck, NZ., Je. Finance: Free coinage and prosperity, J. B.

Clark, PSQ., Je.

The gold reserve, Frank Fetter, PSQ., Je. Party politics and finance, Ed. Cary, Ps>Q., Je. Leregne de 1'argent, Anatolic Leroy-Beaulieu,

RDM., Ap. , My. i. Les engines de fa monnaie, Ernest Babelon, SS..

Ap. Die Edelmetallgewinnung und -Verwendung in

den letzten zehn jahren, W. Lexis, JNS., My. The situation in Colorado, YR., My. L' Assembled Constitnante et son ceuvre finan-

cicre, Ch. Gomel , J EC. , My. The present value and purchasing power of gold,

Remedy for monetary sectionalism. CJM.. Je. A proposed "clearing house currency," <

La situaiione del mcrcato monetari<>

Due ami. . My.

Why the West need* free coinage, C. S. Thomas,

A!, My.

tallism, A. J. Utley, A., Jr. Development of the monetary problem, Logan

McPherion, PSM., My. (For general informal ion about finances I'.

BMN.) Food: La question de* vianden, Charles -Rout.

RPP M fly.

Health: The people's food: a great national in- quiry, RRN., Je. The physical condition of the American people,

E.Hitchcock, Jr., Chautauquan, My. Heredity: Lyell and Lamarckism: a reply to

Prof. Brooks, J. T.Cunningham, NS., My. Weismann on germinal selection, E. G. Conklin,

Sc.,Je. History, social: L'Irelande d'autrefois, Ch. de

Galan, SS., Ap. The land of the noonday sun, Walter Clark, A.,

My., also Je. L'c'tat social en Gascogne au Xl siecle, Louis

Batcave, RefS., Je. i. Housing: The economics of improved housing,

NAk., My. Need of better homes for wage-earners, Clare de

Graffenried, F., My. Immigration: Immigration from Italy, Joseph

Senner, NAR. ? Je. Restriction of immigration, Francis Walker,

Atlantic Monthly, Je. The restriction of immigration, Edward Bemis,

BS.,Je. Indian, Civilizing the American, Ruth Shaffner,

.Ch., Je. Indians: Les races malaiques et americaines,

Hamy, Ant., Ap. Innere Mission: (For information as to this see

Mill). Insurance: Les assurances mutuelles ouvrieres,

Eug. Rochetin, RPP., Ap. International law: La France et I'Angleterre

sur le Niger : laliberte de navigation du fleuve,

G. Ragelsperger, RPP., Ap. Labor: Le parti du travail dans le Queensland,

JEc.,Ap. Labor and the injunction, Evans Woolen, YR.,

My. La machine et 1'ouvriere dans 1' Industrie Ameri-

caine, E. Levasseur, RPP., My. Un office intemationale pour la protection du

travail, Th. Curti, RPP., My. Die Lage der Arbeiterinnen in der Berliner

Papicrwaren-Industrie, Elisabeth Gnauck-

Kuhne.JGV., Ap. La retribuzione del lavoro, Giro de' Marches! de

Luca, RISS., My.

Civil service reform in its bearings upon the inter- ests of working men, Herbert Welsh, AMC.,


L'operaio Americano, E. Levasseur, RiS., Ap. Pending problems for wage-earners, A. E. Outer- bridge, Jr., PSM., My. (For gem : information about labor

vBDL,,BOT., LG.) Land: The Groningen land lease system, James

Gore, GM., Je. Law: Four German jurists, Mtinroe Smith, PSQ.,

Je. The duty of the state in suits .iit:i<-king charitable

bequests, Simeon Baldwin, Al.KR.. The supreme court & its constitutional duty ft

power, Junius Parker, ALR. is & tendencies of the Dartmouth college

cue. Improvement in criminal pleading, Franklin

r-cssrii,U-:i. Ml.K.. |c. Deutsches Privatrecht, Eugen Huber, JGV.,

Ap. Progress of the law, Ardemus Stewart, ALRR.,

The trial of crime in France, Thomas Barclay


Legislation: The direct legislation ter*. El tweed Pomeroy, \

P.I'.I-. j] .Sj miiniiipa! !- k "s:at-o:i in 1808, K. 1.

.nd, AAP.,My.

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