Taxation. Hame.C. T. Taxation and taxes in r
State* oadef the internal revenue system, 1791- M An historic*! sketch n the or^m/anon, XShplMtt, and later ,:W,,,. anon of direct and excise taxatioa under the constitution. N.
Y. Crow ell. * pp. l>. , K. R. Essays in taxation. London,
pp., O., 4 M.
. -. ir, . I- i.iiti.Vu- ung in ihre neuesten Leipzig, C. F.
Cleveland, Arthur Rackharn. Women under the English law, from the landing of the S.i the present time. London, Hurst & Blackett. ()., 7.s. 6d.
Eckenstein, Lena. Woman under monasticism. Chapters on saint lore and convent life between A.D., 500 and A.D. 1500. Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 512 pp., O.. 55.
Lourbet, Jacques. La femme devant la science con- temparaine, Alcan. Paris.
Hill, Georgiana. Woman in English life from mediaeval to modern time. 2vol, 350 and 362 pp., O., $5.70.
mainly from the May and June numbers of American periodicals, and the April and May numbers of foreign periodicals.
JBrthetica: Art & Life, Veroon Lee, CoR., My.,
La rel : eion de la beaute, etude sur John Ruskin, Robert de !a Li/eranne, RDM., Je.
-uoien xur osterreichischen Agrar-
- id Agrarpolitik, Karl Griinberg,
JGV. Agricultural depressions, W. D. Drysdale, EcR.,
Anarchy: La lutte legate centre 1'anarchie, F.
Dreyfus, RPe., My. Anthropology: Introduction of the iron age into
Amera.. , on, AA.,Je.
Die skytnischen Altenhumer im mittleren Europa.Paul Reinecke.ZF... Mv.
, Policy and power of, W. J. Traynor,
. Je. Arbitration, International : L* Arbitrage interna-
tion- i 'assy, AMP., My.
Tribunal of a- K. Tucker, LH., Je.
Internationa! loore, NW., 1e.
Archeology: La sculpture en Europe avant les
influences greco-romaines, Salomon Reinach,
i: L'Australie et la Nouvelle-Zelande,
Leroy-Beaulieu, RDM., Je. i. r : Mann, Horace, F. W. Parker, EdR.,
J c - Mf^T Francis de Pressense, RDM., My. i,
Cardinal Manning, St. George Mivart, NW.,Je. liffl, |,.. n Stuart. S. BCCMW, AGI> , My.
<}y und scin Werk, die Baugesell- chaft fiit Arbeiterwohnhauser, " Peabody
,-ler, Ar., Ap. ilc Faquet. RP., My. 15. I^.nS ay .f;.H an ,ingn, RiS., Ap. LcooSay.G.de Mofinari, JIlc., My. Biology: The present position of the cell theory,
G. C. Bowne, SP., Ap.
Building and loan associations: Les syndicates du batiment en Angleterre, Paul de Rousers, SS.,
de construction aux ctats unis, r, RefS., My. 16. Capital: Exasnen critique de la thcorie moderne du capital, Henri Savatier, AC..
organization: London Methods, C. S. Loci
The true aim of Charity Organization Societies, Lowell, F., Ie.
ot Charity Organizations
Christian Socialism: What is Christian Socialism'
J. Carter, EcR., Ap. Christianity: Is the power of Christianity waning'
No! H. K. Carroll, F., My. Church: The rights of the church, H. Rashdall,
EcR., Ap. The relation of the preacher to social subjects,
John Day, NW., Je. Cities: Greater New York, GM., My.
(For general information about the progress of the movement for good city government see AM.C.J Civilization et Neuropathique, Ch. Fere", RPh.,
Ap. Cooperation : The cooperative banking movement
H. W. Wallf, EcR., Ap.
La cooperation, ses bienfaits et ses limites, Leo- pold Mabilleau, RefS., My
Die Russische Bauernbank mil besonderer Berucksichtiguug des Konigreiches Polen, L. v. Zakrzewski, JGV., Ap. Credit associations in Germany, GM., My. Corporation, The Colonial, PSQ., Je. Criminology: How to arresMhe increase of homo-
cides in America, I. C. Parker, NAR., Te. Posthypnotic and criminal suggestion, \V. R.
Newbold, PSM., Je.
Publicity of crime, E. E. Hale, LH., My. Crime increased by the lax enforcement of law,
George Huntington, LH., Je. Democracy : The promises of democracy : have they
been fulfilled? F. W. Blackman, F., Je. The democratization of England, Thomas David- son, F., Je.
Democratic et liberte, E. d'Eichthal, RPP., My. Education: The evolution of modern scientific lab- oratories, W. H. Welch, Nt., My. 28.
Evolutionary psychology and education, H. M. tanley, EdR., Je.
Possible improvement of rural schools, J. H.
Blodgett, EdR.,Je. Compulsory Education, Clare de Graffenied,
LH.,Je. Questions du jour: La femme a PUniversite" ;
Les colleges de jeunes filles & Cambridge, SS.,
My. The policy of the education bill, A. M. Fair-
bairn, CoR., Je. College organization and government, C. F.
Thwing, EdR., Je.
Papers and discussions at the fifth annual meet- ing of the Harvard Teachers Assoc., C. W.
Elliot & others, EdR., My.