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Carroll, H. King. The religious forces of the United States enumerated, classified and described on the basis of the census of 1890; with an introd. on the condition and character of Am. Christianity. New Ed. N. Y., Chris- tian Literature Co. 66 + 478 pp., D. (Am. Church Hist. ser.). $3.

Ede, W. Moore. The Attitude of the Church tn some of the problems of town life (Hulsean Lectures for 1895). Cambridge Univ. Press. 131 pp., O., 2S. 6d.

Fisher, G. P. History of Christian doctrine. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 583 pp., O., $3.50.

Herron, G. D. Social meanings of religious ex- periences. N. Y., T. Y. Cromwell & Co. 237 pp., D., 75C.

Leroy Beaulieu, Anatole. Israel among the nations : a study of the Jews and antisemitism. London, W. Heineman, 410 pp. O.. 73. 6d.

Schurman, Jacob Gould. Agnosticism and Relig- ion. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons. 181 pp.. $i.

Sohm, Rudolph. Outlines of church history ; tr. by Miss Mary Sinclair. N. Y., Macmillan & Co. 254 pp., D., $1.10.

Tenny, E. P. (and others). The triumphs of the cross ; or, the supremacy of Christianity as an uplifting force in the home, the school and the nation, etc. Bost., Balch Bros. 700 pp., O., $3.25.

White. Andrew D. A history of the warfare of science with theology in Christendom. N. Y., Appleton. 2 vols, 415, 474 pp., O., cl. $5.

Sanitary Science.

Ben ton, Samuel. Home nursing, and how to help in cases of accident, Ed. 2. London, Abbot & Jones. 134 pp. O., is.

Bissel, Mary T. A manual of Hygiene. London, Gay & Bird. O., ios.

Blyth, Alex. W. Foods, their composition and analysis, with an introd. essay on the history of adulteration, Ed. 4. London, C. Griffin.

768 pp., O., 20S.

Collet, Harold. Water softening and purification.

N. Y., Spon & Chamberlain. 168 pp., D., $2. Davies, A. M. A handbook of hygiene. Phil.,

J. B. Lippincott. 590 pp., S., $4. Leffmann, H. Examination of water for scientific

and technic purposes. Ed. 3. London, Paul,

Triibner&Co. O. Mason, W. P. Water supply considered principally

from a sanitary standpoint. N. Y., J.Wiley

& Sons. 504 pp., O.. $5. Notter, J. L., and Firth, R. H. The theory and

practice of hygiene. London, Churchill.

1050 pp., O., 243.

Waring, (',. K. Modern methods of sewage dis- posal for towns, public institutions and isolated

houses. Ed. 2. N. Y., D. Yan Nostrand Co.

253 pp., D., $2.


Ensebp, Ludovico. Socialismo. Torino, Unione

Tipografico-editrice. i34pp.,<> Flint. Robert. Socialism. Phil.. J. 11. Lippincott

Co. a, $3.25.

Haushofer, Max. Der Modeme Socialismus.

Leipzig. J. J. Weber. 301 pp., M. 3. Hyndman. H. M. The economics of socialism:

being a series of seven lectures on political

economy. London, Twentieth Century Press.

4 + 257 pp.,O.,3t. Say, Lon. Contre le soclalisme. Paris, C. 1

259 pp.. fr. 3.50. Seilhac, Leon de. Le Monde socialiste, gruupes

et programmes. Paris, Colin et Cie. 07 pp.,


Seletti, Enr. Se il socialismo abbia fondamenti scientific!. Parma, tip. Luigi Battei. 166 pp.,

Soderini, Ed Socialismo e cattolicismo, con document!. Roma, Desclee, Lefebre & Co.

609 pp., S^, L. 6. rsch

Warschauer, Dr. Gerchichte des Socialismus u. communismus in 10 Jahrhunderts. III.Abteil: Louis Blanc. Berlin, H. Bahr. 163 pp., M. 2.

Weisengrun, Paul. Die socialwissenschaftlichen Ideen Saint -Simon's: ein Beitrag zur Ges- chichte des Socialismus. Basel, H. Muller. 97 pp., O., 3 fr.

Sociology: Theory and General.

Annals de ('Institute Internationale de Sociologie,

T. 2. Paris, Giard et Briere. Avenel, G'd. Le Mecanisme de la vie modern.

Paris, Colin & Cie. 366 pp., 4 frs. Comte, Auguste. Positive philosophy; freely

translated and condensed by Harriet Mar-

tineau, with an introduction by F. Harrison.

N. Y., Macmillan & Co. 3 vo.. D. $4.50. Fanille, A. Les etudes recentes de sociologie.

Paris, Giard & Briere. O., i fr. Giddings, F. H. Principles of sociology. 2d ed.

N. Y., Macmillan. $3. Grave, Jean. La societ6 future. Paris, Stock.

429 pp., S., 7 frs. Greef, Guil. de. L'evolution des croyances et des

doctrines politiques. Bruxelles, Mayolez ct

Audiarte. 331 pp., O., 4 frs.

Haurion, M. Cours de science sociale. La sci- ence sociale traditionelle. Paris, Larose. 433

pp., O., 7 frs. 50. La Grasserie, R. de. Etudes de sociologie. De la

forme graphique de 1'evolution. Paris, Girard

et Briere. 49 pp., O. Langermann, J. Stein^ Pestalozzi, Fichte, in ihre

Beziehung zur sozialen Frage der Gegenwart

Barmen, Steinbom & Co. 79 pp., O. Lillienfeld, Paul de. La pathologic sociale. Paris,

Giard et Briere. 332 pp., 8 frs. Mackay, Thomas. Methods of social reform :

essays, critical and constructive. London,

John Murray. 342 pp., O., 73. 6d. Michel, Henry. L'Idee de 1'Etat; essai critique

sur 1'historie des theories sociales politiques en

France depuis la Revolution. Ed. 2. Paris,

Hachette & Co. 659 pp., 4 frs. Molinari, G. de. Comment se resoudra la question

sociale. Paris, Guillaumin & Cie. 423 p., 3

frs. 50. Patten, Simon N. The formulation of normal laws.

Phil.. Am. Academy of Polit. Soc. Science. 125

pp., O., 25 cts. Patten, Simon N. The theory of social forces.

Phil., Am. Academy of Political and Social

Science. 151 pp., O. Regeneration. A reply to Max Nordau ; with

introduction by N. Murray Butler, N. Y.,

i'. Putnam's Sons. 311 pp., O., $2. Schriften des Vereins f. Soziaf-politik. I-elp/ig. T & Humblot. Bd. 65, 562 pp., O., la

M . Worms, R. De natura et methode sociologiae.

L Giard et Briere. 107 pp., O. Worms, R. Organivne et societc. Paris. Giard

. S frs. Wuarin. L. Une vue d'ensemble dr la question

  • ociale ; le problem, le methode. Paris, Larose.

71 pp., S. 3 frs. 50.

Statistics: Theory.

Bert illoo, Jacques. Cours elementaire de statU-

adminintrativ Societ* d'Edi

lions Scientifiques. $99 pp., to frs.

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