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La Gr*nerie. R., de. Etude des legislations 0ttMtfei. Resume analytiques des pnnci- > 3 '.:x DdH I rrils lie I'Kuropcct clo !' Amcrique. II. C - privcde li'tim- intro-

ilroit interna- . 79



Giac. Nuovi rapporti social! fra capitate e uvoro. Varese, tip. Macchi e Hrusa. 143 pp., SM L. 1.50.

Boabois. H. P. Housing of the working classes and back to back houses. London, St. Brides

46 pp., ill..

i -.r housing of the working es (Social questions of today). London, 1896. 6 pp.,O., as. 6d.

The labour problem. London,

... O.. i 4 s.

Edwards, Joseph, ed. The labour annual, 1806, a year book of social, economic and political reform. Ixjndon, Scott. 256 pp., O., as. Gilbert -Boucher. Etude sur les trades unions.

Paris, C. Levy. 119 pp., S.

Guyot, Yves. Labor, socialism and strikes. Ixmdon, Clement Wilson. 122 pp.

lie Gewerkvereins-Bewegung. ^tadt, J. Dietz. 208 pp., O., M. 1.50. Mallock, W. H. Classes and masses; or wealth, wages and welfare in the United Kingdom ; a handbook of social facts for political thinkers and speakers. London, Black. 139 pp., O., 3*. 6d. Nicholson, J. Shield. Strikes and social problems.

. Macmillan & Co. D., $1.25. Office du Travail. Statistiques des greves et des recours a la reconciliation et 1' arbitrage sur- venus pendant, 1895. Paris, Office du Travail. 336pp., O.

Fmittflt. Paul de. The labor question in Britain ; with a preface by H. De Tourville ; tr. by F. S. I). Herberston. N. Y., Macmillan & Co.

396 pp., O., $4.


Schriften der Centralstelle f. Arbeiter-Wohlfaht- seinrichtungen. Berlin, C. Heymans. Nr. 8, 109 pp., 2m. ; Nr. 9, 224 pp., M. 4.

Schultze-Gavernitz. La Grande Industrie; son role economique et social : studie dans 1' Indus- trie cotoniere. Paris, Guillaumin et Cie. 144-316 pp., O., Fr. 7.50.

Stimson, F.J. Handbook to the labor law of the United States. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons. 385 pp., D., $1.50.

Political Economy: Theory and General. American Economic Association. Handbook for 1896, with report of the 8th annual meeting at Indianapolis. N. Y., Macmillan & Co. 178 pp., O., soc.

Clark, J. B. The theory of economic progress (Economic Studies, Vol. I, No. i). N. Y., Macmillan (for Am. Economic Assoc.). 45

't $oc.

Con ant. C. A. A history of modern banks of issue ; with an account of the economic crises of the it century. N. Y.,G. P. Putnam's Sons. 10 + 595 pp., O., cl., $3.

Courtois. Alph. Annalesde la Societe d'economie politique. T. 12 (1877-1879), Paris, Guillau- min. 59Pp.,0.,9fr.

an account of the

relations between private property and public welfare. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 496 '-.50.

, Paul. Traite theoretique et pra- 1'cconomie politique, 5 v. Paris, Guil- laumin. 36 fr.

Kk'inwachter, Fr. Das Einkommen und seine vcrteiluug. Leipzig, C. L. Hirschfeld. 352 pp., 10 M. (Frankenstein, Kuno. Hand u. Lehrbuchder Staatswissenschaft.)

Raffalovich, A. Le Marche financier en 1895-96 (France, Angleterre, Allemagne, Russie, Aut- riche, Suisse, Italic, Espagne, Etats-Unis). Paris, Guillaumin & Cie. 742 pp., Fr. 7.50.

Rumelin, G. Problems d'Economie politique et de statistique. Paris, Guillaumin. O.

Schmoller, Gustav. The mercantile system and its historical significance, illustrated chiefly from Prussian history. N. Y., Macmillan & Co. 95 pp.,D., 75C.

Taussig, F. W. Wages and capital : an examina- tion of the wages fund doctrine. N. Y., Ap- pleton, 1896. 325 pp., D., $1.50.

Political Science: Theory and General.

Coldstream, J. P. The institutions of Austria. London, Constable, 140 pp., O., 25.


Constable. 155 pp., O., 2s.


London, A. Constable. 155 p Commons, J. R. Proportional N. Y., T. Y. Crowell & Co. 2

Coldstream, J. P. The institutions of Italy, i, A. ~

R. Proportion

298 pp., D. (Cro- well's library of economics and politics, No.

8.) $1.75. Dickinson, G. The development of Parliament

during the igth century. N. Y., Longmans,

Green & Co. 133 pp., O., $2.50. Konrad, J., Hrsg. Handwb'rterbuch der Staats-

wissenschaften. Jena, G. Fischer, i Suppl.

Bd. 914 pp., O. Lecky, W. E. H. Democracy and Liberty. New

York, Longmans, Green & Co. 2 vols, 568,

601 pp., D., $5.50

Malteno, P. A. A federal South Africa: A com- parison of American history with the present

position of the colonies and states of South

Africa and a consideration of the advantages of

a federal union. London, Low. 260 pp., O.,

75. 6d. Patton, J. H. Political parties in the United

States, their history and influence, 1789-1896.

N. Y., New Amsterdam Book Co. 387 pp.,

D., $1.25. Pollock, Frederick. An introduction to the history

of the science of politics. London, Macmillan,

1896. 138 pp., O.,2s. 6d. Seeley, J. R. Introduction to political science.

London and New York, Macmillan & Co.

387 pp., $1.50. Signorel, Jean. Etude de legislation comparee sur

le referendum legislatif. Paris, A. Rousseau.

472 pp., O., 8 fr. Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. An examination

of the nature of the state : a study in political

philosophy. N. Y., Macmillan & Co. 448 pp.,

O., $3. [Reviewed in JOURNAL, May, '96]. Wilson, Ja. Works of James Wilson, associate

justice of the supreme court of the U. S., being

his public discourses upon jurisprudence and the

political science, etc., ed. by J. D. Andrews.

Chicago, Callahan & Co. 2 vols. 577, 623 pp.,

O., $7.


Argylle, Duke of. The philosophy of belief, or law

in Christian theology. London, J. Murray.

578 pp., O., i6s. Atkinson, J. The beginnings of the Wesleyan

movement in America and the establishment

therein of methodism. N. Y., Hunt & Eaton.

458 pp., O., $3. Davids, F. W. Rhys. Buddhism, its history and

literature. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 230

pp., D., $1.50.

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