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[A selection of important books dealing with various lines of social work whfch have appeared since the beginning of 1896.

Anthropology and Ethnology: Acbelis. rrne Volkerkunde, deren

EntwickehniK und Aufgaben. Wach dem heutigen Stande der Wissenschaft gemeinver- standlich dargestelh. Stuttgart, F. Enke. 8 + 487 pp., D..M. 10.

Keane, A. H. Ethnology'. In 2 parts. Parti, Fundamental ethnical problems; Part 2, The primary ethnical KM ; N. Y.. M.irmillan & Co.. 442 pp., D., $2.60. [Reviewed in the

JOURNAL, Mar. '96.]

I . F.

lies in ancient history:

series ; comprising an inquiry into the

origin of exogoamy. Ed. by Mrs. McLennan and Arthur Platt. London, Macmillan. 622

pp. O., 218.

Tyler, J. M. The whence and whither of man: a brief history of his origin and development, through conformity to environment ; being the Morse lectures of 1895. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons, 312 pp., D., $1.75.


Barnard, Fred. A. P., tenth president of Col- umbia College, Memoirs of, by J. Fulton. O. nillan & Co. $4.

Boudinot, Elias: The life, public services, addres- ses and letters of Elias Boudinot, President of th Continental Congress. Boston, Houghton. .,$6.

Buckle and his critics, by John Robertson. London, Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. 565 pp., ice. 6d.

Cobden, Richard, Life of, by John Morley. New ed. London, T. Fisher Unwin. 636 pp. O., 7 s. 6d.

King, Rutus, The life and correspondence of,

comprising his letters, private and official, his

public documents, and his speeches; edited by

his grandson. C. R.King. In svols.,O., Vol. 3.

Putnam's Sons, $5.

Knox, John, and his times, by Miss Warren. London, Nisbet. 320 pp. O., 25.

Manning, Cardinal, Life of, by Ed. Sheridan. London, Macmillan & Co. 2 vols., 724, 842

Proudhon, rVJ. : sa vie, ses cruvres, sa doctrine. Paris, Perm et Cie.

Ricardo, David, Letters of, to J. R. McCulloch, 1816-23 : ed. by J. H. Hollander. N. Y., Mac- millan & Co. $1.25.

Romanes, George lohn, The life and letters of, written and ed. by his wife. London, Long- mans, Green & Co. 370 pp., O. i5s.

Rudolph. > < onr.-ul Bornhak. Phil.,

American Academy of Political and Social Science, 97 pp., O., 2sc.

Say, Leon, et la Sociologie, par E. de Frisange. s.Giardet Bricre. 24pp.,O.

<int, et ses ceuvres dans le diocese de Troyes. Troyes, imp. Bage. 276 pp.,S.

Charities and Social Reforms. Brown, Dick. From the slum to the farm colony :

an account of the social work of the Salvation

Army. London, Simpkin. no pp., O.,

is. 6d. Meyer, Rud. Colonization v. Arbeitslosen. Bin

neues Landwithschafts System. Wien. 55

pp., O., M. 1.30. National Temperance Congress, Chester, 1895.

London, Nat. Temp. League Pub. Department.

280 pp., O., 35. 6d. National Purity Congress. Papers, addresses,

portraits; ed. by A. M. Powell. N. Y., Am.

Purity Alliance. 453 pp., D., $2.25.

Commerce and Communication. Ashley, O. D. Railways and their employes.

Chicago, Railway Age Co. Depew, Chauncey M., ed. One hundred years of

American commerce, 1795-1895: a history of

the first century of American commerce by one

hundred Americans. N. Y., D. O. Haynes &

Co. 2 vols., 924 pp., O., $15. Dixon, F. H. State railroad control, with a history

of its development in Iowa ; with an introduction

by H. C. Adams. N. Y., T. Y. Crowell & Co.

2sopp., D., $1.75. Rank, Emil, Das Eisenbahn tarifwesen in seiner

Beziehung zu Volkswirthschaft u. Venvaltung.

Wien, A. Holder. 779 pp., O., M. 22.50. Rockwell, Alfred Perkins. Roads and pavements

in France. N. Y., J. Wiley & Sons. 6 + 107

pp., D., $1.25.

Cooperation, Hobson,J. A. Cooperative labour upon the land,

and other papers. N. Y., imported by C.

Scribner's Sons. 140 pp., D., $i. Peignot, E. De la cooperation et son avenir.

Paris, Larose. 194 pp., O. Potter, Beatrice. The cooperative movement in

Great Britain. London, Macmillan. 250 pp.,

D., 5 fr. Racquigny, de. La cooperation de production

dans I'agriculture ; mission de 1'Office du Tra-

vail. Paris, Guillaumin & Cie. 16 + 211 pp.,


Criminology and Penology. Ferri, Enrico. Criminal sociology (Criminology,

ser. No. 2). N. Y., Appleton. 284 pp., D.,

$1.50. [Reviewed in JOURNAL, May '96.] Ferri, Enrico. L' omicidio nelle antropologia

criminale, con atlante antropologico statistico.

Torino, Fratelli Bocca. 2 vols., 736, 333 pp.,

O., L. 30. Kirchenheim, Atshin. Die Litteratur des Straf-

rechts u. der Kriminalpolitik, 1884 bis 1894.

Leipzig, J. C. Hinrich*. 36 pp., O. Morrison, W. Douglas. Our juvenile offenders

(the Criminology series, No. 3). Fisher Unwin.

London, T.

I 5 8

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