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Jahrbucher fQr Nationalokonomie und Statistik : First number, 1863. Monthly. 6 numbers, per vol., 960 pp. Present vol. (January 1896) is No. 66. M. 30. Gustave Fischer, Jena. Complete sets of back numbers can be obtained of A. Asher, Berlin, or J. Baer, Frankfort. Edited by J. Conrad, assisted by L. Elster, Edg. Loen- ing and W. Lexis. Estimate of its editor : Its field, the whole province of political economy and statistics ; maintains a medium position as to parties and programmes ; valuable for summary of economic literature and legislation of all countries.

Journal des Economistes : First number, December 1841. Monthly. 6 num- bers, per vol., 480 pp. Present volume (January 1896) is No. 108. 38 fr. Guillaumin et Cie, Paris. Set of back numbers complete can be obtained for 300 fr. Edited by G. de Molinari. Editor's estimate : Is an exponent of economic science in all its orthodoxy and advocates free exchange in trade. [In justice to the journal it should be added that in addition its articles cover a wide range of socio-economic questions and it has a valuable feature in its " Chronique Economique," conducted by the editor.]

Journal of Political Economy: First number, December 1891. Quarterly. 4 numbers, per vol., 550 pp. Present vol. (January 1896) is No. 4. 3. Chicago University Press. Back numbers complete. Edited by J. L. Laughlin and T. B. Veb- len. Estimate of its editor : Its field, political economy ; articles have dealt chiefly with practical questions ; the past year the money question has received much attention.

Quarterly Journal of Economics : [First number, October 1896. Quarterly. 4 numbers, per vol., 450 pp. Present vol. is No. 10. $2. George H. Ellis, Boston. Most of the back numbers are for sale by the publisher. Edited by Chas. F. Dunbar, assisted by F. U. Faussig, W. J. Ashley, and Edward Cummings, all members of the Harvard faculty. Devotes considerable space to the discussion of questions pertain- ing to economic theory, but does not neglect the practical side of economics. Each issue contains a valuable bibliography of new publications.]

Revue d' Economic Politiquc : First number, January 1887. Monthly, except that the numbers for July and August are bound in one, and also the numbers for September and October. 12 numbers (in 10), vol., noo pp. 21 fr. Larose, 22 rue Souflot, Paris. Back numbers uncertain. Editors : Henri St. Marc is secretary of the editorial board, consisting of Charles Guide, Alfred Jourdan and several other professors of political economy in the French universities. Estimate of its editors : Its field, political economy, finance and sociology ; has no exclusive tendency, which, tor a French periodical, is a distinction ; impartial and cosmopolitan.

Yale Review: Succeeded the New Englander and Yale Review, May 1892. Quarterly. 4 numbers, per vol., 450 pp. $3. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, New Haven, Conn. Back numbers complete from May 1892. Edited by George P. Fisher, George B. A-lams, H. W. Farnain. A. T. Hudley and J. C. Schwab. Editors thus far have been members of the Yale faculty. Estimate of its editor: Committed to no party or school, it aims to present the results of the most scientific and scholarly investigation in history and political science. [An examination of the files shows that the Review has to do with economy to such an extent that it seems best to include it in this group.]

Zeitschrift fur Volkswirschaft, Socialpolitik u. Verwaltung :- I number, January, 1892. Quarterly. 4 numbers, per vol., 640 pp. Present vol. is No. 4. 10 fl. F. Tempskv. Verlagsbuchhandlun^. Prague. Back numbers complete. K'lited by K. \..n Bohin Bawerk. Is the organ of the Gesellschaft Osterreichischer Volkswirte. Estimate of its editor : Its field, political econ.um . . .nnl admin-

istration ; articles of all tendencies are admitted ; valuable summary of Austrian economic legislation.

[CORRECTION The address <>f ' <li Sociologia, characterized in the

May number, should read Palermo instead of Pntcrme.]

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