Essential Forces
The Social Forces-!
Reproductive^ ^ Forces
side being almost the only one ever mentioned, so that, not only are there no well-crystallized terms in which to describe the side of feeling, but even with the most careful explanation it is diffi- cult to convey the idea. This is illustrated by the explanatory words which I placed after the several classes of essential forces in the table of classification on page 472 of Vol. 1, which is here reproduced without change:
(Positive, gustatory (seeking pleasure). Negative, protective (avoiding pain).
Direct. The sexual and amative desires.
Indirect. Parental and consanguneal affections.
( Esthetic Forces. Non- Essential^ Emotional (moral) Forces. Forces I
^Intellectual Forces.
I have seen no reason to modify this classification in any essential respect. Some slight change in the phraseology might adapt it better to such a cursory treatment as I am now making, and place certain of its aspects in a somewhat clearer light. The "Preservative Forces" may be called the Forces of Indi- vidual Preservation; the " Reproductive Forces" may be called the Forces of Race Continuance; and the "Non-essential Forces" as a whole may be called the Forces of Race Ele- vation. Attention may also well be drawn to the fact that the "Essential Forces" relate primarily to bodily or physical wants, while the "Non-essential Forces" relate chiefly to mental or spiritual needs. These terms still connote functions, which seems unavoidable, and the Social Forces may be reclassified,. as follow^ :
Individual Preservation