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the Society for the Advancement of the Common Weal in Dresden. An- nals Amer. Acad. 35:225, Mar. '10.

BoUe, E. Wirtschaftlicher Wiederauf- stieg in Brasilien. Export 628, 46 '09.

Borosini, V. V. Our Recreation Facili- ties and the Immigrant. Annals Amer. Acad. 35:141, Mar. '10.

Bowne, B. P. Woman and Democracy. No. Amer. Rev. 191:527, Apr. '10.

Brandt, Lilian. Books for Social Work- ers. Survey 23:705, Feb. 12, '10.

Braucher, H. S. Play and Sodal Prog- ress. Annals Amer. Acad. 35:109, Mar. '10.

Braun, Marcus. How Can We Enforce Our Exclusion Laws ? Annals Amer. Acad. 34:140, Sept. '09.

V. Bremen. Das deutsche Heer und die Landwirtschaft. Ueberall 458, Apr. '09.

Breyfogle, Caroline. The Social Status of Woman in the Old Testament. Biblical World 35:107, Feb. '10.

Brewster, C. B. The Democratic Ideal and the Christian Church. No. Amer. Rev. 191:302, Mar. '10.

Brewster, C. B. TTie Social Ideal and the Christian Church. No. Amer. Rev. 191:501, Apr. '10.

Britannicus. England and Socialism. No. Amer. Rev. 191:364, Mar. '10.

Broda, Rodolphe. Frauenerziehung. Dokum. d. Fortschr. 718, July '09.

Bruhn, E. Kirchliche Mitarbeit an der Volksbildung durch Forderung ge- sunder Volkslekture. Konserv. Monat- schr. 993, Aug. '09.

Byington, Margaret. Fifty Annual Re- ports: Charity Organizations. Sur- vey 23:971, Mar. 26, '10.

Byles, L. M. The Cost of Living — In the United States. World To-day 18:318, Mar. '10.

Caldecott, A. International and Inter- racial Relations. Sociol. Rev. 3:13, Jan. '10.

Cernesson, Joseph. La Representation Professionelle. Emancipation 23:179, Dec. '09.

Chittenden, R. H. The Cost of Living: Economy in Diet. Independent 68: 557, Mar. 17, '10.

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Clopper, E. N. The Child Labor Con- ference at Boston. Survey 23:558, Jan. 22, '10.

Conrad, Else. Etwas von der Lebens- fUhrung der Arbeiterfamilien. Bl. f. Soz. Arb. 33, June '09.

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