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Gumplowicz, Ludwig. Sozialphilosophie im Umriss. Innsbruck: Wagner. Pp. 162. M. 3.
Guttzeit, Johs. Shamgefiihl, Sittlichkeit, und Anstand besonders in geschlecht- licher Hinsicht. Dresden: Berthold Sturm. Pp. 299. M. 5.
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Hartland, E. S. Primitive Paternity. Nutt. Vol. I, 334; Vol. II, 334. 185.
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Holek, W. Lebensgang eines deutsch- tschechischen Handar belters. Jena: E. Diederichs. Pp. 328. M. 4.50.
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Hubert, H., et Mauss, M. Melanges d'- histoire des religions. Paris: Felix Alcan. Pp. xlii + 236. Fr. 5.
Hutchinson, Woods. The Conquest of Consumption. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Pp. 138. $1.
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the Training of Backward Children.
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tuzioni, processuali dell' India. Ca- tania: Eugenio Coco. Pp. 702. Morgue, Raoul. La philosophie bio-
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schafts-Biologie. Stuttgart: Enke.
Pp. 196. Myers, Gustavus. History of Great
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Chicago: Chas. H. Kerr & Co. Ppt
296 and 368. $1 .50 each. Nagel, Oscar. Die Welt als Arbeit.
Stuttgart: Franckh. Pp. 208.
v. Neupauer, J. R. Der Kollektivismus