Abe Musgrove, Curt. Das kranke Eng- land. Eine Schilderung des heutigen England auf Grund der Aussagen englischen Autoritaten. Frankfurt a. M.: Neuer Frankfurter Verl. Pp.210. M. 3.
Anuario Estadistico de la Republica Oriental del Uruquay. Montevideo: Dornaleche y Reyes. Pp. lix+996.
Aus der Gedankenwelt einer Arbeiterfrau. Von ihr selbst erzahlt. Gr. Lichter- felde: Edwin Runge. Pp. 117. M. 2.
Bawden, H. Heath. The Principles of Pragmatism. Boston: Houghton MiflBin Co. Pp. x + 364. $1.50 net.
Beaubois, Gabriel. La crise postale et les mono poles d'Stat. Paris: Giard et Brifere.
Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Wise-Knut. Tr. by B. Stahl. New York: Brandeis. Pp. 126.
Blagg, Helen. Statistical Analysis of Infant Mortality and Its Causes in the United Kingdom. P. S. King. Pp.
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Briggs, C. A, Church Unity. Long- mans. Pp. 474. los. 6d.
Bronilhet, Ch. Le conflit des doctrines dans r^conomie pohtique contem- poraine. Paris: Alcan.
Bureau of American Technology. Un- written Literatiu-e of Hawaii. Gov't. (U.S.) Pp. 288.
de Las Cases, Ph. Le ch6mage. Ouv- rage couronne par I'Academie des sciences morales et politiques. Paris: J. Gabalda & Cie., Librairie Victor Lecofifre. Pp. xvi-f-191.
Casson, W. A., and Ridgway, A. The Housing, Town-Planning Act. Knight. Pp. 148. 2 J. 6d.
Cavaillon, A. Manuel pratique des lois sociales. Paris: Giard et Brifere.
Chadwick, W. E. Social Relationships in the Light of Christianity. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 21+344. $1.50.
Chance, W. Poor Law Reform. King.
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Churchill, W. S. Liberalism and the Social Problem. New York: Doran. Pp. 23 -I- 414. $1.50.
Churchill, Winston. The People's Rights. Hodder, is.
Conyngton, Mary. How to Help, a Manual of Practical Charity. New York: Macmillan. Pp. x-l-367. $1.50.
Cosentini, Francesco. II socialismo giuridico, con una ricca bibliografia suir argomento. Catania: Cav. Nic- C0I6 Giannotta. Pp. 130.
Cromer, Earl. Ancient and Modern Imj)erialism. Murray. Pp. 172. 2s. 6d.
Cullen, Alex. Adventiu-es in Socialism. Black. Pp. 346. js. 6d.
Culpin, E. G. (editor). Practical Appli- cation of Town-Planning Powers. King. IS.
Darrow, Clarence S. The Open Shop. Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co. Pp. 32.
Davies, Arthiu- Ernest. The Moral Life. A Study in Genetic Ethics. (Lib. of Genetic Sci. & Philos., Vol. I.) Bal- timore: ReAdew Pub. Co. Pp. xiii + 187.
Dewe, J. A. Psychology of Politics and History. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 5-1-269. $1.75.
Dodd, J. T. The Poor and Their Rights. P. S. King. Pp. 28. 6d.
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Ede, W. M. The Clergy and Social Ser- vice. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 7-1-149. 90 cents.
Fillebrown, C. B. The ABC of Taxation with Boston Object-Lessons, Private Property in Land, and Other Essays and Addresses. New York: Double- day, Page & Co., Pp. ix-f-229.
Firth, F. J. Christian Unity in EfiFort. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Pp. 273. $1.50.
Fite, E. D. Social and Industrial Con- ditions in the North during the Civil