merely intended for the general reader, it would be more effective for the cause it represents if a more generous use had been made of the municipal experience of this and foreign countries. The work is furthermore open to criticism in that there is no bibliography, though there are a few scattered references in the footnotes. No w^ork of this nature should be deemed complete without at least a select bibliography and more frequent reference to source material. The value of the volume is enhanced by reprinting the "Munici- pal Program" with a discussion of it by the author. This is care- fully indexed, making it especially available for ready reference.
A. B. Hall
Northwestern University
Social Development and Education. By M. V. O'Shea. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. Pp. xiv-f-561.
This book is divided into two parts, "Social Development" and "Social Education." "Social Development," occupying a little more than the first half, considers the genetic psychology of certain social instincts or attitudes. It reminds one of the treatment of social instincts in Kirkpatrick's Fundamentals of Child-Study and of the Clarke University dissertations on various phases of child- development. The attitudes and instincts discussed are sociability, communication, duty, justice, respect, docility, resentment, aggres- sion. In each case the earliest manifestation of the tendency in the life of the child is first discussed and the differentiation and changes down through the period of adolescence traced. Thus in the chapter on justice we have these topics : first social adjustments, sense of property rights, the right of possession, principles of ownership, the sentiment of justice, instinctive elements, the child's notion of justice, extenuating circumstances, appreciation of motives, sense of responsibility, adolescent changes.
The second part of the book, "Social Education," is a discussion of practical methods of social education and moral training. Some of the topics discussed are : comparison of nations in their problems of developing social efficiency ; the need of educative social experi- ence in the Dewey sense; value of French methods of moral in- struction; necessity of establishing authority over child in first years ; co-operation in group education ; how a parent may maintain
authority and companionship; methods of correction, including a