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Goldschmidt, K. Das Recht d. Ange-

stellten an ihren Erfindungen. Z. f.

Angew. Chemie 913-21, '09. Goldstein, J. Soziologie der Technik.

Int. W. Schr. 26:807, '09. Gomme, Laurence. Sociology the Basis

of Inquiry into Primitive Culture.

Sociol. Rev. 2:317, Oct. '09. Gourivaud, Dr. Bureau ouvert et con- tamination des nourrices. Rev. philan.

25 : 729, Oct. '09. Grosscup, P. S. Prosperity with Justice.

No. Amer. Rev. 190:721, Dec. '09. Guelton, G. Une oeuvre de preservation

sociale. Rev. soc. cath. i, Nov.

'09. Guyho, Corentin. Le jury, maltre de

la peine. Rev. penitent, et d. droit

penal 1008, July '09. Hamilton, F. E. Restriction of Immigra- tion. Forum 42 : 552, Dec. '09. Hampe, J. Ueber die Prugelstrafe.

Sexual-Probl. 252-55, Apr. '09. Harrison, Shelby. Federated Boys'

Clubs. Siurvey 23:143, Oct. 30, '09. Harmon, W. E. The Commercial Value

of Playgrounds. 23:359, Dec. 11, '09. Hart, H. H. A Study for Delinquent

Boys. Survey 23 : 146, Oct. 30, '09. Hausenstein, W. Der Arbeiter und die

bildende Kunst. Kampf. 475-78, '09. Hayem, Julien. L'industrie de la

lingerie dans le centre de la France.

Reforme sociale 8:529, Nov. '09. Heine, W. Die Sozialdemokratie in der

gegenwartigen politischen Krisis.

Marz. 181-85, '09. Heiser, V. G. Sanitary Progress in the

Philippines. Survey 23:180, Nov. 6,

'09. Helly, A. Enqufite monographique sur

la dfeertion des campagnes — le de-

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Rev. d. r^cole d'anthrop. 19:345, Nov.

'09. Hill, J. J. What We Must Do to Be Fed.

World's Work 19: 12226, Nov. '09. Hine, F. W. Day Laborers before Their

Time. Outlook 93: 435, Oct. 23, '09. Hirst, F, W. Taxation of Capital.

Contemp. Rev. 50: 411, Oct. '09. Hoggan, Frances. The American Negro

and Race Blending. Sociol. Rev.

2:349, Oct. '09. Holliday, Carl. The Young Southerner

and the Negro. So. Atl. Quart. 8:117,

Apr. '09. Holmes, Mabel. The Social Position of

the Maoris. Contemp. Rev. 94:614,

Nov. '09. Hooker, Brian. The Popular Element in

Literature. Forum 42 : 400, Nov. '09. Hutchins, B. L. Woman's Industrial

Career. Sociol. Rev. 2:338, Oct. '09. Humphreys, W. J. Environment and

Productive Scholarship. Pop. Sci.

Mon. 75:587, Dec. '09. Icord, Severin. La formule chifiFr^e du

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Lavoll6e ,R. La r^cente enqufete de la

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