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with the Old. Everybody's 21:545,

Oct. '09. Cooke, G. A. Old Testament Economics.

Econ. Rev. 19:388, Oct. 'oQ. Cook, G. W. Material Society and Its

Institutions. Chautauq. 56:19, Sept.

'09. Corinth, L. Die Religionen und die

Kunst. Nord u. Slid, 502-12, Jun. '09. Cosentini, Francesco. Feminisme et

science positive. Rev. internal, d.

sociologie 10:711, Oct. '09. Coulter, J. L. Organization among the

Farmers of the United States. Yale

Rev. 18:273, Nov. '09. Crane, R. N. Experiments in Eugenics

by American Legislatures. Jour, of

Soc. of Comp. Leg. 10:120, Oct. '09. Cruikshank, Miriam. Folk-Lore of Our

Hearthstones. Americana 4 : 884,

Nov. '09. Daubigny, E. L'oeuvre du lavoir et du

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363-66, May, '09. Devine, E. T. The Waste of Infant Life.

Survey 23:314, Dec. 4, '09. Dickson, H. Exit the Black Man.

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Violence. Forum 42:413, Nov. '09. Dodge, E. G. A New Suggestion on

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8:311, Oct. '09. Dohm, Hedwig. Ueber Ehescheidung und

freie Liebe. Sozialist. M. H. 13:842,

D'Ornige, Levison. L'assistance speciale

des alienes et arrierfe en Danemarck.

L'assist. 145, Nov. '09. Dorr, Rheta. What Eight Million

Women Want. Hampton's 23:545,

Oct. '09. Driesch, H. Biologie et transformisme.

Rev. d. philos. 481, Nov. '09. Dromard, Dr. Le dilettantisme senti- mental. Rev. philos. 68:487, Nov. '09. D'Unger, Giselle. The Spirit of Neigh-

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World To-Day 17:1285, Dec. '09. Dnnlap, Maurice. The Young American

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Nov. 11, '09. Durkheim, E. Sociologie religieuse et

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'09. V. Ehrenfels, Chr. Ein Ziichtungs-

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Apr. '09. Emery, H. C. Die Trust Gesellschaften

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beitsmarkt 7:293-96, '09. Fblon, Augustin. L'oeuvre litteraire et

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deux mondes 54:347, Nov. 15, '09. Ferenczy, Arpad. Droit international

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May, etc., '09. Ferrero, Felice. The New St. Helena.

Survey 23:171, Nov. 6, '09. Few, W. P. Constructive Educational

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Oct. '09. Few, W. P. The Constructive Philan- thropy of a Southern Cotton Mill. So.

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Rev. d. deux mondes 54:315, Nov. 15,

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Sept. '09. Georgy, A. Der Benif des Monismus zur

Kunst. Monismus 193-99, May '09. Die gewerkschaftliche Organisation der

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Oct. '09. Godfrey, Hollis. The City's Noise.

Atl. Mon. 104:601, Nov. '09.

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