ous. The present mayor of that western metropolis is proving to be a reactionary, and is sympathetic with some of the least de- sirable elements in the city. The Democrats of Kansas City and St. Louis, who for years have been supporters of the state appointment of police commissions, are now becoming advocates of municipal home rule because the governor of the state is no longer a member of their own party.
Kansas City has given some indication of its attitude toward the present mayor by defeating a series of bonds totaling $4,000,000 which had been vigorously advocated by the mayor. It had a chance to show the civic intelligence and independence in its vote on the proposal of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company for an extension of its franchises. Notwithstanding that these franchises have sixteen years to run, the company succeeded in passing through a complacent municipal legisla- ture an extension of sixteen years to make the term thirty-two years in all from the present. The reasons given for this exten- sion, which was passed with undue haste, and approved with equally undue haste by the mayor, but which fortunately must be submitted to the voters of the city, was that the company needs to be refinanced and can do this on better terms with a long-time franchise. The company's proposition was to retain 5 per cent, annually on the valuation of $33,000,000 (no dt)ubt an exaggerated valuation) ; to give the city 50 per cent, of all over that return, giving the city representation on the board of directors; reducing the fares of school children under twelve to 2^ cents; reserving the right of the city to reduce fares generally throughout the life of the franchise. The voters passed upon this proposition on December 18, defeating it by a decisive vote.
If anything, the Pacific Coast cities, with the exception of San Francisco, are more progressive than their sisters of the Mississippi Valley and the Rocky Mountain region. Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, and Los Angeles are contributing their full share to the solution of important municipal problems; and while they suffer from periods of recession, their general tendency
is toward a more enlightened and effective administration of