among whom this journal has long since gladly enrolled. The National Child Labor Committee and the National Consumers' League are, so far as we are aware, the only other agencies which are persistently and continuously working to bring public opinion to the support of this measure so clearly in the public interests, so certain to be opposed, just as the Bureau of Forestry and other of our present bureaus are opposed because they expose and undermine the selfish and anti-social policies of a comparatively few individuals of the exploiting class. We hope that others — organizations and individuals — will rally to the support of the proposed children's bureau."
The National Child Labor Committee solicits the co-operation of all industrial, civic, philanthropic, religious, and social organizations in bringing this important measure properly before Congress in the session of 1908-9. Communications of suggestion or inquiry, from organizations or individuals, may be addressed to
Owen R. Lovejoy, General Secretary, 105 East 22d Street, New York.