geles under supervision of instructor. Simmons: School for Social Workers — definite problems in practical charity. State College, Washington : Study of agricultural conditions and rural life. State University of Kentucky: Study of state and charit- able institutions. Syracuse: Associated charities and other work. Tulane: Social settlement, tenement inspection, statistical investigation. Union Theological Seminary: Training in actual social work in New York City. University of Colorado: Prac- tical work in Boulder and Denver. University of Illinois: "We co-operate with the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy." University of Michigan: "The Franklin Street Social Settle- ment of Detroit is affiliated with the University." University of Minnesota : "Original investigation of social conditions in Minne- apolis and St. Paul and work in the settlements." University of Missouri : "From September, 1906, to June, 1909, the St. Louis School of Philanthropy was affiliated with the University of Missouri, and the department of sociology. No provision for the future has yet been made." University of North Dakota: Study of state institutions. University of Oklahoma : Visiting state institutions. University of South Carolina: Study of local and state institutions, cotton mills, amusements, etc. University of Southern California: Week's study in Los Angeles yearly. University of Wisconsin: Required visits to Milwaukee and work in the university settlement there. Western Reserve: In- vestigations in connection with the charitable and philanthropic agencies of Cleveland. Whitman: Study of public institutions and methods in charity and correction, etc. Willamette: Study of numerous local institutions. Wittenberg: Study of local conditions. Beloit: Teaching in night schools for Italians and Greeks. De Pauw: Visiting of institutions in Indian- apolis in connection with work. Keuka : Sociological census of districts near college. Lake Erie: Observation of social settlements, juvenile courts, poor-houses, etc. New York Uni- versity: "Social settlements; investigation of institutions for dependents, delinquents, etc. ; investigation into schools for backward and foreign children, factories, etc." University of
Denver: Some students interested in institutional church, neigh-