and 119 undergraduate; in psychology, 3 graduate and 278 undergraduate: in education, 14 graduate and 349 undergradu- ate; in history, 10 graduate and 460 undergraduate; in eco- nomics, 3 graduate and 300 undergraduate ; in political science, 3 graduate and 105 undergraduate. University of North Dakota: in sociology, i graduate and 15 undergraduate; in philosophy and psychology, 3 graduate and 44 undergraduate; in education, 159 undergraduate; in history, i graduate and 70 undergradu- ate; in economics, 2 graduate and 67 undergraduate; in political science, 4 undergraduate; in journalism, 9 undergraduate. Uni- versity of Oregon: in sociology, i graduate and 21 undergradu- ate; in other social sciences, 5 graduate and 597 undergraduate. University of South Dakota: in sociology, 2 graduate and 11 undergraduate; in education i graduate and 82 undergraduate; in history, i graduate and 82 undergraduate.
In a few cases of the above statistics the figures are only approximate and in a few other cases the "other social sciences" have been grouped together without specifying what the person filling out the questionnaire meant to include under the term. However, if we disregard these indefinite data, sufficient definite facts are given to show that sociology is on the whole in the lead as a graduate study, though falling somewhat behind some of the other sciences, in undergraduate work for the most part. The reader of this report must not suppose that the writer meant to establish a classification of the social sciences. He has in- cluded under that convenient grouping the sciences most closely related to sociology. Biology might advisedly have been placed in such proximity.
According to Table H, 57 institutions reported either phi- losophy or psychology or both as prerequisite to instruction in sociology. Fifty-six reported history, 4 reported education, 60 reported economics, 25 reported political science, and i reported home economics as prerequisite. Cases where sociology and another science were required to be taken co-ordinately were philosophy or psychology 8, education 8, economics 6, political science 4. Cases where sociology was made prerequisite to an-
other science were philosophy 2, education 6, economics 5, home