both philosophy and psychology, and sociology, 2,114 were claimed for sociology and 3,487 for philosophy and psychology. In 108 of these there were 2,104 registrations in sociology and 2,415 in education. In 119 institutions 3,315 in sociology, 7,662 in history. In 133 institutions 3,762 in sociology, 5,157 in economics. In 107 institutions 2,356 in sociology, 1,471 in political science. In 9, 1,580 in sociology, 1,108 in home eco- nomics, domestic science, etc. In 4 institutions, 255 in sociology, 65 in journalism. In 7 institutions 472 in sociology and 1,568 in history and political science combined. In one institution, 290 in sociology, 298 in economics and political science com- bined. In three institutions 1,299 ^^ sociology, 2,652 in psy- chology, philosophy, and education combined. In places where there is a partially or wholly prescribed course, sociology is more likely to be elective than any other social science, with the probable exception of political science, home economics, and journalism. Sociology lies more within the range of graduate subjects than any other social science. These two facts, rather than its relative popularity, serve to explain the smaller number of students registering in sociology.
The columns of comparative registrations in Table II show both graduate and undergraduate registrations combined. It might be interesting to have presented some comparative statis- tics from the larger schools showing the graduate and under- graduate registrations separately. Adelphi College has 5 gradu- ate and 125 undergraduate registrations in sociology; 5 graduate and 345 undergraduate registrations in the other social sciences combined. Greorge Washington University: 12 graduate and 30 undergraduate registrations in sociology; 9 graduate and 200 (approximately) undergraduate registrations in the other social sciences. Illinois Wesleyan University : in sociology, 2 graduate and 63 undergraduate registrations; in education, i graduate and 18 undergraduate; in economics, 2 graduate and 107 under- graduate; in philosophy and psychology, 57 undergraduate; in history and political science, ca. 60; in domestic science, ca. 50. Indiana University: in sociology, 15 graduate and 142 under-
graduate; in the other social sciences, 25 graduate and 400