Langhard, J. Die Anarchistische Beweg- ung in der Schweiz von ihren Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart u. d. intemationalien Fiihrer. Bern: Stampfli & Co. Pp. viii + 492. M. 4.20.
LavoU^e, R. Les fleaux nationaux. Depopulation, pornographic, alchol- isme, affaisement morale. Paris: F. Alcan et Guillaumin. Pp. 307. Fr.
Le Chevallier et Ciiminal, P. Lejons de science morale. Principles de la science morale; morale individuelle; morale sociale; la vie humaine. Paris: Picard. Pp. 462. Fr. 4.
Lewis, F. W. State Insurance and Social and Industrial Need. London: Con- stable. 55.
Liebknecht, W. Was die Sozialdemo- kraten sind und was sie woUen. Chemnitz: A. Langer. Pp. 47.
Lloyd, Arthur. Everyday Japan. N. Y. : Cassell & Co. Pp. 16 + 381. $4.
Macgowan, Rev. J. Sidelights on
Chinese Life. Lippincott. $375.
Mackaye, P. W. The Playhouse and the Play. N. Y.: Macmillan. Pp. 13+ 210. $1.25.
Maltbie, M. R. Report on the Indeter- minate Sentence for Public Utilities. N. Y.: Maltbie. Pp. 34.
M^line, Pierre. De la science k Faction. Etude de philosophic sociale. Paris: Blond et Cic. Pp. 62. Fr. 0.60.
Melinc, Picric. Le travail sociologique La methodc. Paris: Blond et Cic. Pp. 124. Fr. 1.20.
Meincke, R. Maxim Gorki, seine
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Moore, J. H. The New Ethics. Chi- cago: S. A. Block. Pp. 216. $1 net.
Morin, Pierre. Les droits de la femme mariec sur les produits de son travail. Paris: Rousseau. Pp. 367.
Munro, W. B. The Government of European Cities. Macmillan. los. 6d.
National Refuges for Homeless and Destitute Children. Work for the Nation and Empire. 66th Annual Report. London: Office. Pp. 130.
Nevison, H. W. Essays in Freedom. London: Duckworth. Pp. 348. 65.
New York [State] Probation Commis- sion. Forms for Juvenile and Adult Probation Work, with Suggestions as to Their Use. Albany, N. Y.: J. B. Lyon & Co. Pp. 27.
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Wis.: Univ. of Wisconsin. Pp. 7.
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revolution. Paris: Blond et Cie. Pp.
60. Fr. 0.60. Probation Commission, N. Y. Forms
for Juvenile and Adult Probation Work,
with Suggestions as to Their Use.
Albany, N. Y.: J. B. Loyn Co. Reich, Emil. Woman Through the Ages.
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Krieges, und die Zukunft des Friedens
Autons. Uebersetzg. von Bertha v. Sutt-
ncr. Leipzig: H. Haessel. Pp.
xii + 355. M. 4. Rintclen, V. Die Volksschule Preus-
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Kirckc. Berlin: H. Bahr. Pp. xvi +
356. M. 5.50. Royal Commission and Nat. Soc. for
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Care and Control of Feeble-Minded.
Pp. 40. 3d. Salceby, C. W. Parenthood and Race
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London: Cassell. Pp. 348. 75. 6d. Salvation Army and Poor Law Problem.
London: Simpkin. Pp. 100. 15. Savorgnon, F. Soziologische Fragmente.
Innsbruck: Wagner. Pp. 106. Kr. 2. Schenck, F. S. The Sociology of the
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Volkswirtschaftslehre. Vienna: Manz.
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Paris: Blond et Cic. Pp. 70. Fr.
0.60. Shadwell, Arthur. Industrial Efficiency.
N. Y.: Longmans. Pp. 740. 65.
Snowden, Mrs. Philip. Woman Suffrage