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Giebel, Pp.28. M. 0.20. Devme, E. T. Misery and Its Causes. N. Y.: Macmillan. Pp. 11 + 274.

Doerflinger, C. H. Prospectus of

People's New Education Advanced Common School. Milwaukee, Wis.: Doerflinger. Pp. 45. 25 cents.

Doullet, L. A. Creation du monde et Evolution sociale des peuples. Lyon: Fort et Valette. t*?. 367. Fr. 4.

Draper, A. S. Addresses and Papers. Albany, N. Y.: N. Y. State Ed. Dept. Pp. 180.

Diir. B. Eine modeme Gefahr und ihre Abwehr. Erlautert durch hundert Beispiele aus dem Leben. Trier: Paulinus-Druckerei. Pp. 122. M. 1.80.

Dye, J. T. Ideals of Democracy. Indian- apolis, Ind.: Bobbs-Merrill Co. Pp. 174. 90 cents.

Eliot, C. W. Lawlessness. N. Y.: Civic Forum. Pp. 28. 10 cents.

Elst, Femand van der. Loi sur le governe- ment du Congo beige. Bruxelles: Vve. Larcier. Pp. 22. Fr. i.

Fontaine, J. Les idees coUectivistes en France. Brxixeiles: Soc. beige de lib. Pp. 54. Fr. 0.25.

Foster, H. H. Ueber den amerikanischen Versuch, d. eng. Sprache aufd. Philip- pinen — Inseln durch d. Schule einzu- fiihren. Diss. Jena. Pp. 84.

Frangais, I. L'eglise et la science. Paris: Nourry. Pp. 172. Fr. 2.50.

Francis, A. Americans: An Impression. London: Melrose. Pp. 11 + 256. 65.

Galopin, Gerard. La filiation illegitime et la vraisemblance de paternity naturelle. Bruxelles: Van Fleteren. Pp. 58. Fr. 3.

G^ny, Paul. Ou en est la crise de morale? Bruxelles: Soc. beige de libr. Pp. 10. Fr. 0.25.

Gillet, P. L'6ducation du caractfere. Bruxelles: De Bromver et Cie. Pp. 296. Fr. 3.

Girod, J. Democratie, patrie et humanity. Paris: F. Alcan. Pp. 172. Fr. 2.50.

Goyan, Georges. Un clerg6 national et social. Le clerg^ irlandais. Paris: Blond et Cie. Pp. 62. Fr. 0.60.

Griggs, S. E. The Race Question in a New Light. Nashville, Tenn. : Orion Pub. Co. 15 cents.

Griggs, S. E. Needs of the South. Nashville, Tenn.: Orion Pub. Co. Pp. 28. 10 cents.

Gummere, Amelia M. Witchcraft and Quakerism: A Study in Social History. Philadelphia: Biddle Press. $1.

Griinfeld, E. Die Gesellschaftslehre von Lorenz von Stein. Diss. Halle. Pp. 92.

Hamm, F. Zur Grundlegimg und Ge- schichte der Steuermoral. Trier:

Paulinus Druckerei. Pp. 320. M. 6.

Hapgood, H. An Anarchist Woman. N. Y.: Duffield & Co. Pp. 5 + 308. $1 . 25 net.

Hartman, E. R. Socialism versus Chris- tianity. N. Y.: Cochrane Pub. Co. Pp. 263. $1.50.

Herbert. Le pragmatisme. Etude de ses di verses formes anglo-americaines, fran- faises, italiennes. Paris: Nourry. Pp. 105. Fr. 1.25.

Hobson. J. A. The Industrial System. London: Longmans. Pp. 348. 75. 6d.

Hodson, A. L. Letters from a Settlement. N. Y.: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp.

15 + 363- $i-5o- Howard, T. H. Standard of Life and Service. London: Simpkin. Pp. 190.


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Jarotzky, A. Der Idealismus als leben- erhaltendes Prinzip Betrachtungen e. Arztes. Wiesbaden: J. F. Bergmann. Pp. iv+147. M. 3.20.

Jenks, J. W. Principles of Politics from the Viewpoint of the American Citizen. N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Press. Pp. 18+187. $1-50 net.

Juvenile Offender. Detention and Main- tenance. No. 329. London: British Govt. id.

Kelly, A. R. The Great Chinese Awaken- ing. London: R. CuUey. Pp. 240.


Klein, Felix. La separation aux Etats Unis. Histoire, lois, codtumes, docu- ments. Paris: Blond et Cie. Pp. 126. Fr. 1.20.

Kirkpatrick, E. A. Genetic Psychology. N. Y.: Macmillan. Pp. 15 + 373. $1 . 25 net.

Kompert, P. Kritische Betrachtungen liber die Bodenreform. Diss. Jena: Pp. 63.

Lacase, Bastard, J. L'Amerique in- comme. Vestiges des civilisations primitives.

Lafarce, G. L'^ducation des fils de famiile au point devue de I'expansion civilisatrice. Bruxelles: Soc. beige de

libr. Fr. 0.50.

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