Adam, Paul. La morale de I'^ducation. Paris: E. Flammarion. Pp. 254. Fr. 3.50.
Alzel, T. Die Sozialdemokratie im Spiegel ihrer Taten. Leipzig: Oswald Thomas. Pp. 128.
Andrews, E. L. The Stock Exchange and the Public. N. Y.: Author. Pp. 15. 25 cents.
Bailey, L. H. The College of Agriculture and the State. Ithaca, N. Y. : Author. Pp. 36. Gratis.
Bayley, H. A New Light on the Renais- sance; Displayed in Contemporary Emblems. N. Y.: Dutton. Pp. 8 + 270. $4 net.
Bourgeat, E. Histoire d'une co-operative militaire. Paris: Lavanzelle. Pp. 23. Fr. 0.60.
Boyd, R. H. The Separate, or "Jim Crow" Car Laws, or Legislative Enact- ments of Fourteen Southern States, etc. Nashville: Nat. Bapt. Pub. Board. Pp. 67. 25 cents.
Brown, Demetra V. Haremlik; Some Pages from the Life of Turkish Wo- men. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp.275. $1-25 net.
Brown, T. F. The American High School. N. Y.: Macmillan. Pp. 462. $1 . 40.
Busse, E. Gemeindebetriebe. Neuere Versuche u. Erfahrgn. die Ausdeling. der Kommunalen Tatigkeit in Deutsch- land u. im Ausland. 2. Bd. i. Tl. Leipzig: Duncker u. Humblot. Pp. viii-l-176. M. 4.
Camapagnole, E. L'assistance obliga- toire aux vieillards, aux infirmes, et aux incurables. Paris: Berger-Levrault & Cie. Pp.654. Fr. 7.50.
Carry, E. Famille et divorce. Paris: Blond et Cie. Pp. 62. Fr. 0.60.
Chapman, A. B., and M. W. Status of Women under English Law. London: Rout ledge. Pp. 84. 25. 6d.
Chapman, J. S. J. and Hallsworth, H. M. Unemployment. The Results of an Investigation Made in Lancashire and an Examination of the Report of the
Poor Law Commission. London:
Sherrott & Co. Pp. 180. 25.
CharasofiF, G. Karl Marx uber die menschliche u. kapitalistische Wirt- schaft. Eine neue Darstellg. seiner Lehre. Berlin: Haus Bondy. Pp. ix-f- 105. M. 1 .50.
Chastin, J. Les trusts, et les syndicats de producteurs. Paris: Alcan. Pp. 304. Fr. 6.
Chiappini, T. N. Petit traits de questions sociales. Clichy: LoUement. Pp. 8.
Child Workers of the Nation: Proceed- ings of the Fifth Annual Conference, Chicago, 111. N. Y.: National Child Labor. Pp. 44-252. $1.00.
Cleveland, F. A. Chapters on Municipal Administration and Accounting. N. Y. : Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 16 + 361. $2 net.
Clunet, E. Les associations au point de vue historique et juridique. Paris: Marechal & Billard.
Coan, M. B. The Coming Peril. Phil.: Wilkie & Coan. Pp. 95. 50 cents.
Collier, Price. England and the English from an American Point of View. London: Duckworth. Pp. 434. ys. 6d.
Conlan, H. et de Chavagnes, R. Le mariage, et la divorce. Paris: Flam- marian. Pp.2432. Fr. 3.50.
Cooley, C. H. Social Organization. N. Y.: Scribners. $1.50.
Courcelle, L. et Richard H. Traite des fraudes alimentaires, agricoles, et medicamentaires. Paris: Dunod et Pinat. Pp. 694. Fr. 15.
Damaschke, Adf. Geschichte der
Nationalokonomie. Eine erste Ein- fiihrg. 3. umgearb. Aufl. Jena: Gus- tav Fischer. Pp. viii-H428. M. 3.20.
Davis, M. M. Psychological Interpreta- tions of Society. N. Y.: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 260. $2.
Deming, H. E. The Government of American Cities. Putnam. 6s.
Destr6e, Jules. La question Coloniale. Gand: Volksdrukkerij. Pp. 52.
Die staatliche Pensionsversicherung. Zu- satzversicherung oder ausbau der In-