Davis, Michael M., Jr. Psychological Interpretations of Society. —
George E. Vincent 841
Deming, Horace E, The Government of American Cities. — A. B. Hall 848 Deroisin. Notes sur Auguste Comte par un de ses disciples. — L. L.
Bernard - - 710
Devine, Edward T. Misery and its Causes. — William L. Chenery - - 120 Dole, Charles F. The Ethics of Progress, or the Theory a<id the
Practice by which Civilization Proceeds. — A. W. Small . - . 418
Francis, Alexander. Americans, An Impression. — L. L. Bernard - - 854
Gennep, Arnold Van. Les rites de passage. — Frederick Starr - - 707
George, William R. The Junior Republic, Its History and Ideals - - 702 Graves, Frank Pierrepont. A History of Education before the Middle
Ages. — C. A. Ellwood - - 559
Haddon, Alfred C. and Others. Reports of the Cambridge Anthro- pological Expedition to Torres Straits. Vol. VI. — Frederick Starr 260 Hall, Bolton. A Little Land and a Living. — C. R. Henderson - - 847 Hapgood, Hutchins. An Anarchist Woman. — E. A. Ross . . . 554 Henderson, Charles R. Social Duties from the Christian Point of
View. — Nicholas P. Gilman - - - - - - - - -119
HiLLguiT, Morris. Socialism in Theory and Practice. — A. B. Wolfe - 264.
Howard, G. E. Social Psychology. — George E. Vincent - - - 840
Ketkar, Shridhar V. History of Caste in India. — E. A. Ross - - 704
KiRKUF, Thomas. A Primer of Socialism. — C. R. Henderson - - 118 KovALEWSKY, Maxime. La France economique et sociale i la veille de
la Revolution: Les campagnes. — Isaac A. Loos - - - - - m
Lazard, Max. Le chomage et la profession. — Frances Fenton - - - 854
Lincoln, J. T. The City of the Dinner Pail. — C. R. Henderson - - 431
Low, A. Maurice. The American People. — George E. Vincent - - 84a
MacDonald, J. Ramsay. Socialism and Society. — C. R. Henderson - 854
Masten, Vincent Myron. The Crime Problem. — C. R. Henderson - 420
Misawa, Tadasu. Modern Educators and their Ideals. — 5". C. Parker - 705 MuNRO, William B. The Government of European Cities. — Howard
Woodhead .......-.--. 122
O'Shea, M. V. Social Development and Education. — S. Chester Parker 849
Otis, Edward O. The Great White Plague. — C. R. Henderson - - 420
Parsons, John. Each for All, and All for Each. — L. L. Bernard - - 854 Powell, Lyman P. The Emmanuel Movement in a New England
Town. — L. L. Gillin ---------- 267
Pruis, a. La defense sociale et les transformations du droit final. —
C. R. Henderson --- 846
PuNNETT, R. C. Mendelism. — Carol Aronovici ------ 421
Richardson, N. A. Industrial Problems. — C. R. Henderson - - - 563
Rogers, James Edward. The American Newspaper. — Frances Fenton 562
RowE, L. S. Problems of City Government. — A. B. Hall - - - - 556
Saint- Yves, P. Les vierges meres et les naissances miraculeuses. —
Frederick Starr - 706
Sharp, Frank C. A Study of the Influence of Custom on the Moral
Judgment.— Cecil C. North 116