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1904-1905. Zeitschr. f. Ethnologic

38:80. Novicow, J. Le pretendu antagonisme

economique des nations. Jour, des

econ. 10:21, Apr. 15, '06. Reid, G. Archdale. Heredity and social

problems. Independent 61 1379, Feb.

15 :'o6. Rice, Isaac L. (Mrs.). An effort to

suppress noise. Forum 37 -.552, Apr.-

June '06. Royce, Josiah. Race questions and

prejudices. Inter. Jour. Ethic. 16:265.

Apr. '06. Schlesinger-Eckstein. Therese. Die

Enahrung der Schulkinder. Neue

Zeit 24 198, Apr. 14, '06. Schubert-Soldern, R. von. Die Grund-

principien des Liberalismus in er-

kenntnistheoretischer Beleuchtung.

Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Staatswis. 62:187. Sedgwick, Wm. T. The experimental

method in sanitary science and sani- tary administration. Science, 23 1362,

Mar. 9, '06. Sheldon, Chas. M., and W. D. P. Bliss.

The church and social service. (Two

letters.) Independent 60 :737, Mar.

29, '06.

Sinclair, Upton. The socialist party.

World's Work. 11:7431, Apr. '06. Solmi, A. Sulla origine e sulla natura

del feudo in Sardegna. Rivis. ital.

di sociolog. 10 :i, Jan.-Feb. '06. Spiller, Gustav. A method of dealing

with the labor problem. Inter. Jour.

of Ethic. 16:358, Apr. '06. Street, G. S. Socialists and Tories.

Fortn. Rev. 79 1625, Apr. '06. Thompson, J. M. The claim of Chris- tian Socialism. Econ. Rev. 16:156,

Apr. '06. Untermann, Ernest. Marxism and

Eclecticism. Inter. Social. Rev.

6 :s89, Apr. '06. Untermann, Ernest. A pioneer of

proletarian science. Inter. Social.

Rev. 6 :6os, Apr. '06. Ward, Lester F. The past and future

of the sexes. Independent 60 =540,

Mar. 8, '06.

Warwick, Frances E. Physical deteri- oration. Fortn. Rev. 79 =504, Mar. '06. Wolff, Henry W. Neglected oppor- tunities of co-operation. Econ. Rev.

16:190, Apr. '06. Zur Geschichte des Stiftungs-und Ar-

menwesens. Zeitschr f. d. Armen-

wesen. 7 :98, Apr. '06.

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