Efficiency and Relief: A Programme of Social Work. By EDWARD T. DEVINE, Ph.D., LL.D., Schiff Professor of Social Economy in Columbia University. New York : The Columbia University Press, 1906.
Dr. Devine defines the field of the new department of study by saying: "The social economist is the modern organizer of
knowledge for the practical good of man Social work, social
legislation, and social thought are the three main branches of an adequately equipped school of social economy." In this inaugural address we see the outlines of a growing system of principles which are adapted to control the most efficient social conduct. From the fruitful labors of the author in the past we may con- fidently expect still more important contributions to this field ; whether it be called "social economy," or "social technology" or "practical sociology" is of minor consequence.
C. R. H.
Marri-age and Divorce. By JAMES BRYCE, D.C.L. Oxford
University Press, New York and London. Pp. 80. This able essay is already well known as a part of the work Studies in History and Jurisprudence (1901), and the separate pub- lication should give it a wide reading among those who are giving special attention to problems of the family.
C. R. H.