Amendments to this constitution shall be proposed by the Executive Committee and adopted by a majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting of the society.
After the reading of this constitution, it was voted to take action upon each article separately. The only articles, however, on which there was any discussion were Arts. II and VII. Pro- fessor Kelsey raised the question whether Art. II might not be interpreted to exclude those interested mainly in practical socio- logical work. Miss Eaves and Dr. Leipziger wished that it might be made clear that practical sociologists could be included in the membership of the society. Professors Giddings and Wells were of the opinion that the original wording of the article was ample enough to include everybody interested in sociology, so long as their interest is not exclusively practical. The purposes of the society being mainly scientific, the emphasis should be placed on that aspect of sociology. But while the society, as a society, is mainly interested in the scientific and critical, rather than the popular or propagandist, aspect of sociology, it does not follow that its members must be exclusively, or even mainly, interested in theoretical sociology. All that is necessary is that they be interested in sociological discussion and research. Art II was then adopted unanimously.
Concerning Art. VII the question was raised whether it might not be well to provide specifically that the society be not allowed to pass any resolution approving or disapproving specific sociological doctrines or specific schemes for social betterment. The ensuing discussion of this question indicated that, in the belief of a majority of those present, Art. VII was sufficient to prevent the submission and consideration of undesirable motions. This article was then passed unanimously, and the constitution likewise adopted unanimously as a whole.
In accordance with its provisions, the chairman. Professor Davenport, appointed the following Nominating Committee: Professors Wells, Kelsey, and Cutler ; with the request that they
report as soon as possible.