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Bernheimer, C. S., ed. Russian Jew in the United States. Winston. $2 net.

Bryce, J. Marriage and divorce. Ox- ford University. $0.75.

Cormes, J. Modern housing in town and country. Illustrated by examples of municipal and other schemes of block dwellings, tenement houses, model cottages and villages. Lon- don : Batsford. 75. 6d. net.

Creasey, C. H. Technical education in evening schools. Swan, Sonnen- schein & Co.

Cutler, J. E. An investigation into the history of lynching in the United States. Longmans. 6s. net.

Daranyi, I. State and agriculture in Hungary : report of the Minister of Agriculture, 1896-1903 ; trans> by A. Gyorgy. Macmillan. $1.60 net.

Dealey, J. Q., and Ward, L. F. A textbook of sociology. Macmillan. $1.30 net.

Deherain, H. L'expansion des Boers au xixe siecle. Paris : Hachette. Fr. 3.6.

Eastman, F. M. The taxation of pub- lic service corporations in Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia : G. T. Bisel Co. $i net.

Egerton, H. The maintenance of de- nominational teaching. London : G. Alien, is. 6d. net.

Hollis, A. C. The Masai : their lan- guage and folklore. New York : Ox- ford Univ. Press (Amer. Branch). $4-75 net.

Ireland, A. The far eastern tropics : studies on various phases of British, American, French, and Dutch colo- nial administration and policy in Hong Kong, Burma. French Indo- China, Java, the Philippines, and elsewhere.

Jernigan, T. R. China in law and commerce. Macmillan. $2 net.

MacDonald, A. Man and abnormal man ; including a study of children,

in connection with bills to establish laboratories under federal and state governments for study of the crim- inal, pauper, and defective classes ; with bibliography. Gov. Pr. $0.40.

Montferrat (Marquis de Barrat). De Monroe a Roosevelt, 1823-1905. Pre- face de M. le Comte d'Haussonville. Paris : Plon Nourrit. Fr. 4.

Murray, S. L. The peace of the Anglo- Saxons : to the workingmen and their representatives. Preface by Field-Marshall Earl Roberts. Lon- don : Watts. 2s. 6d. net.

O'Riordan, Rev. M. Catholicity and progress in Ireland. London : Paul, Triibner & Co. 6s. net.

Peddar, H. C. The shadow of Rome; or, the relations of the papal system to progress and national life. Lon- don : E. Stock, 35. 6d. net.

Poor Law Annual (The) : the guar- dians' and officers' companion for 1905-6. London: Poor Law Pub. Co. 35.

Pullen-Bury, B. Ethiopia in exile ; or, Jamaica revisited. " How to deal with the Jamaican Negro is the most pressing and prominent topic dealt with."

Ross, E. A. Foundations of sociology. Macmillan. 55. net.

Santayana, G. The life of reason ; or, the phases of human progress. Vol. I. Introduction and Reason in com- mon sense. Vol. II. Reason in society.

Sebillot, Paul. Le folk-lore de France. Tome deuxieme. La mer et les eaux douces. Paris: Guilmoto. Fr. 16.

Stow, G. W. The nature races of South Africa : a history of the in- trusion of the Hottentots and Bantu into the hunting grounds of the Bushmen, the aborigines of the coun- try. Illus. Macmillan. $6.50 net.

Suyematsu, Baron Kencho. The Ja- panese' character : a lecture delivered before the Ethnological Society. London : Siegle. 6d. net.


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