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debt. Early in the nineteenth century the principle of obligatory relief of dependent children found expression in the law which gave to foundlings the protection of government. 3 More recent legislation has developed and applied the principle in various laws and decrees relating to dependent and neglected children. 4

In 1838 the support of insane indigents was made legally obligatory in the course of administration; but this may have been brought about by the exigencies of public protection.

The creation of the Superior Council of Public Relief in 1889 marked a new stage of development in poor-relief legislation. A body of competent persons in a position of influence, charged with the duty of studying the problem, has constantly pressed upon Parliament the necessity of improvement in the treatment of the helpless citizen.

Gratuitous medical relief was provided by the law of i893. 5 When it was discovered by the competent that private charity was unable or unwilling to provide for the dependent sick of the nation, and when the legislation finally decreed the organization of a system which should guarantee every French citizen neces- sary relief in the hour when sickness renders him incapable of labor, the principle of national obligation was formally and dis- tinctly expressed in a statute. More than a decade of experience with the administration of this law has furnished arguments and instruction for the new measures. Since 1893 no suc ^ important proposition directly affecting the people at poverty line has been brought before the law-making bodies. Theories of the functions

  • "Loi du 15 pluviose au XIII (4 fevrier 1805) relative a la tutelle des enfants

admis dans les hospices;" " Decret du 19 Janvier 1811 concernant les enfants trouves ou abandonnes et les orphelins pauvres."

'" Loi du 5 mai 1869 sur les depenses du service des enfants assistes ; " " Loi du 23 decembre 1874 (loi Roussel) sur la protection des enfants du premier age;" "Loi du 24 juillet 1889 sur la protection des enfants maltraites ou moralement abandonnes;" "Loi du 19 avril 1898 pour la repression des violences, voies de fait, actes de cruaute et attentats commis envers les enfants ; " " Loi du 27 juin 1904 sur le service des enfants assistes ; " " Loi de finances du 22 avril 1905." The texts of these laws are published by M. G. Rondel, for the Societe inter- nationale pour 1'etude des questions d'assistance, in Legislation franfaise en vigueur sur I' assistance et la bienfaisance ,( Paris, 16 rue de Miromesnil).

5 " Loi du 15 juillet 1893 instituant 1'assistance medical obligatoire."

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