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Abbot, H. L. Problems of the Panama canal ; including climatology of the isthmus, physics and hydraulics of the river Chagres, cut at the Con- tinental Divide, and discussions of plans for the waterway. Macmillan. $1.50 net.

Abraham, W. H. Church and state in England. Longmans. $1.40 net.

Bain, R. N. Scandinavia : a political history of Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1513 to 1900. Mac- millan. $2 net.

Bourget, E. Considerations sur quel- ques affections pulmonaires des ouvriers Louilleurs. Montpelier : Firmin, Montane et Sicardi.

Carman, A. R. The ethics of imperial- ism : an inquiry whether Christian ethics and imperialism are antago- nistic. Boston: Turner & Co. $i net.

Castellane, Comte de. Discours sur la separation des eglises et de 1'etat, prononce a la Chambre des deputes. Paris : Dupont.

Cosentini, F. La sociologie genetique : essai sur la pensee et la vie sociale prehistorique. Paris : Alcan. Fr. 3. 75-

Davenport, F. M. Primitive traits in religious revivals. Macmillan. 6s. 6d. net.

Degrave, J. De 1'intervention de 1'etat dans la fixation des tarifs des chemins de fer d'interet general. Toulouse : Riviere.

Donisthorpe, W. Fiscal reform. Son- nenschein. 6d.

Ghent, W. J. Mass and class : a sur- vey of social divisions. Macmillan. $0.25 net.

Goyet, L. Le domicile de secours des enfants assistes. Lyon : Schneider.

Henderson, G. F. R. Science of war: essays and lectures. Memoir of author by Field-Marshall Earl Roberts, V. C. Longmans. 145. net.

Home, G. Evolution of an English town : story of ancient town of Pickering in Yorkshire, from pre-

historic times to 1905. Dent. xos. 6d. net.

Industrial problem : William L. Bull lectures for 1905. Jacobs. $i net.

Ireland, A. The far eastern tropics : studies in the administration of tropi- cal dependencies. Houghton. $2 net.

Isambert, G. Les idees socialistes en France de 1815 a 1848. Paris: Al- can. Fr. 7.50.

Jebb, R. Studies in colonial national- ism. Longmans. $3.50 net.

Judson, F. N. The law of interstate commerce and its federal regulation. Chicago: Flood & Co. $5.

Le CourFois et Surville. Regimes matrimoniaux : pro jets de reformes et leurs principales consequences. Paris : Larose et Tenin.

London, J. War of the classes. Mac- millan. $1.50 net.

Lord, E. T., and Barrows, S. J. The Italian in America : aims to present clearly the contribution of Italy to American development and citizen- ship. Buck & Co. $1.50.

Marks, W. D. An equal opportunity : plea for individualism. Patterson & W. $i net.

Mason, L. D. Relation of the pauper inebriate to the municipality and the state, from the economic point of view. D. C. Crothers. $0.10.

Mundy, F. W., ed. Earning power of railroads, 1905 ; facts as to earning power, capitalization, etc., of 120 railroads in the United States and Canada. Metropolitan Adv. $i net.

McClain, E. Constitutional law in the United States. Longmans. $2.

Sanborn, A. F. Paris and the social revolution. Small. $3.50 net.

Schools, reformatory and industrial, of Great Britain : report, list, details. Wyman. is. nd.

Smith, J. Organization of ocean com- merce. Univ. of Penn. (Ginn). bds. $1.75, pap. $1.25.

Turland, A. La socialisme en action : petite histoire populaire de la Com- mune, precedee d'un historique des


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