La Teorica dell' Individualismo secondo John Stuart Mill. By A. L. MARTINAZZOLI. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli, 1905. Pp. viii + 352. L. 4.50.
There is likely to be a renewal of interest in the social philosophy of John Stuart Mill as the struggle between the two opposite prin- ciples of individualism and collectivism becomes more severe. Weapons for both sides may be forged from his thought. The individualism of Liberty and the socialism of his Autobiography and other writing have doubtless been more or less of a puzzle to his casual readers. We have in this volume a clearing up of the apparent inconsistency. The profound and original ideas of Mill in regard to social life are set forth with lucid clearness. The criticism is objective and penetrating, though genial. The book is edited with the usual elegance of works issued by 1'Editore Hoepli.
I. W. H.
Elcmenti di Sociologia. By ALESSANDRO GROPPALI. Gerwa:
Libreria Moderna, 1905. Pp. xv + 383. L. 4. This book is an excellent text for beginners in sociology, and may be recommended to all the uninitiated who wish to acquaint them- selves with the results of sociology thus far attained. It comprises eleven chapters (lessons), each chapter containing at its close a brief bibliography. The author presents impartially the principal views of the leading sociologists, European and American, and treats with great clearness the origin and evolution of economic, juridical, political, moral, religious, artistic, and scientific phe- nomena. Nothing equally serviceable for the purpose avowed has yet appeared in English. The book is in its second Italian edition.