VINCENT, GEORGE E. A Laboratory Experiment in Journalism - - 297
WOODRUFF, CLINTON ROGERS. The Municipal League of Philadelphia - - 336
ALENGRY, FRANCK. Condorcet. A. and H. Hamon - - 700 BAEMREITHER, J. M. Jugendfiirsorge und Strafrecht in den Vereinigten
Staaten von Amerika. C. R. Henderson ------ 268
BARKER, JOHN M. The Saloon Problem and Social Reform. C. R. H. - 706
BLACKMAR, FRANK W. Elements of Sociology. Jerome Dowd - 422
BONNER, ROBERT J. Evidence in Athenian Courts. Clarke B. Whittier - 424
BRYCE, JAMES. Marriage and Divorce. C. R. H. - - - - - - 707
Charity Organization Society of the City of New York. Twenty-third Annual
Report. C. R. H. ...__--- 7O j
COMMITTEE OF FIFTY. The Liquor Problem. C. R. Henderson - 578
CUPPY, HAZLITT A. Our Own Times, Vol. I. A. W. Small - 428 DAVENPORT, FREDERICK M. Primitive Traits in Religious Revivals. W. I.
Thomas _-_-_-______ 272
DEALEY, JAMES Q., and WARD, LESTER F. A Text Book of Sociology. A.
W. Small - - 266
DEUTSCH, LEO. Seize ans en Siberie. A. and H. Hamon - - - - 701
DEVINE, EDWARD T. Efficiency and Relief. C. R. H. - - - 707 DOPP, KATHARINE E. The Place of Industries in Elementary Education.
W. I. Thomas __..- 272
DUNNING, WILLIAM A. A History of Political Theories. /. A. Loos - - 575 DUPRAT, G. L. L'evolution religieuse et les legendes du Christianisme. A.
and H. Hamon -___---.__ 703
DURKHEIM, EMILE. L'annee sociologique. A. W. Small - 132 DYRE, G. W. Democracy in the South before the Civil War. /. W. Shepard-
son -.-_-.__..... fgg ELY, RICHARD T. The Labor Movement in America. A. W, S. - - 431 FREUND, ERNST. The Police Power. L. S. Rowe - - - - 697 GEORGE, HENRY, JR. The Menace of Privilege. Scott E. W. Bedford - 851 GROPPALI, ALESSANDRO. Elementi di Sociologia. /. W. Howerth - - - 135 HAGAR, FRANK N. The American Family. C. R. Henderson - - 703 HENDERSON, CHARLES R. Modern Methods of Charity. Ernest P. Bicknell - 426 HERZFELD, ESA G. Family Monographs. C. R. //. - - 706 I M BERT, PAUL. Les retraites des travailleurs. A. and H. Hamon - - 702 JENKS, ALBERT E. The Bontoc Igorot. /. W. Thomas ----- 27 KELLY, FLORENCE. Some Ethical Gains through Legislation. C. R. Hender- son 846 KOVEN, JOHN. Benevolent Institutions, 1904. C. R. H. - 704 L'Office du Travail de 1895 to 1905. C. R. H. - - - - 705 MARIE, A. L'assistance familiale. C. R. H. - - - - - 853 MARTI NAZZOLI, A. L. La Teorica dell' Individualismo secondo John Stuart
Mill. 7. W. H. - . I35