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Ashley, W. J. Progress of the German working classes in the last quarter of a century. Longmans. $0.60.

Berot, Mme M. L. La femme dans son intelligence, dans son coeur, dans ses charmes, dans ses oeuvres et dans la vie. Leve. $0.50.

Bicking, M. La valeur dans les sciences sociales. Thevenot.

Carpenter, . Prisons, police and pun- ishment : an inquiry into the causes and treatment of crime and criminals. Fifield, zs. net.

Chase, Mrs. A. V. A peculiar people (the negroes). W. C. Chase, Jr. $i.

Cuthbert, Father. Catholic ideals in social life. Benzinger. $i.

DeVries, H. Species and varieties ; their origin by mutation ; ed. by Dan. Trembley. Mac Dougal. Open Court Publishing Co. $5.

Ellis, H. H. Studies In the psychology of sex : sexual selection in man. F. A. Davis Co. $2.

Free, R. Seven years' hard work among the poor of London. Dutton. $1.50 net.

Gasser, A. Conference sur 1'eglise et ses relations aver 1'etat. Gray.

Godard, J. G. Racial supremacy : be- ing studies in imperialism. G. A. Morton. 6s.

Hobhouse, L. T. Democracy and reac- tion. Putnam. $1.50.

Holland, R. A. Commonwealth of man. Putnam, $1.25 net.

Lamprecht, K. What is history? Five lectures on the modern science of his- tory ; from the German by E. A. Andrews. Macmillan, $1.25 net.

Mauss. L'origine des pourvoirs magi- ques dans les societes australienne<. Leroux.

Newcomb, S. A statistical inquiry into the probability of causes of the pro- duction of sex in human offspring. Carnegie Institution of Washington publication. $0.25.

Reed, C. H. Civic evils : relation of money to social ethics. Kerr. $0.05.

Ripley, W. Z., ed. Trusts, pools and corporations. (Selections and docu- ments in economics.) Ginn. $1.80.

Robinson, C. M. Modern civic art. Putnam. $3 net.

Spalding, J. L. Religion and art. Mc- Clurg. $i.

Strong, J., ed. Social progress for 1905. Baker. $i.

Thorndike, E. D. Introduction to the theory of mental and social measure- ments. Science Press. $1.50.

Vignola, A. Les beautes antiques : etude sur les moeurs, la toilette et les plaisirs des Egyptiennes, Assyriennes, Chaldeennes, Pheniciennes, Grecques and Romaines, Capiomont. et cie.

Woodruff, C. E. Effects of tropical light on white men. Rebman Co. $2.50.


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