establishes the province of Utica in Africa. From now on it rules the Mediterranean Sea. Spain, which had been the intermediate country between Italy and Africa, the battlefield where Rome fought against the invading Carthaginians, is definitely con- quered. Now a military land route, connecting Italy with Spain, becomes necessary. In 154 Nizza, a Greek city which was con- stantly vexed by the Ligurians and the Celts of the Rhone valley, is occupied. Thence the conquest proceeds along the seacoast northward as far as Vienne and westward as far as Toulouse. The castellum of Asia is fortified, and a colony is established at Narbonne. A great road is constructed connecting the Var with the Pyrenees.
But the new conquests cannot be secured even by military frontiers. The newly won countries are better secured if they are protected by new annexed territory beyond the military frontiers. Conquest calls for conquest. After the invasion of the Cimbrians and the Teutons (of whom the Teutons were finally annihilated at Pourrieres, Campi Putridi; the Cimbri in 101 at Vercellae) the conquest of Gaul began to be considered indispensable to the security of Italy and even of Spain.
In the East the "kingdom of Asia" is, in 129, constituted from the remnants of the kingdom of Pergamus. Pamphylia and Cilicia are conquered. The frontier moves continuously, regard- less of rivers and mountains, encircling the basins and distant valleys. A whole belt of provinces at the coast finally incloses the last, still more or less independent states, which had already become clients of Rome. This clientship of states is an enlarged image of the private clientship of the dominant class. After the sudden growth and prosperity of the kingdom of the Pontus under Mithoridates and his alliance with Armenia, the entire kingdom of the Pontus is annexed to the province of Bithynia. All the cities of the north and of the seacoast of Syria as far as Egypt experience the same lot. Egypt loses even Cyrenaica and Cyprus.
Then, from 58-51 B. C, the conquest of Gaul is achieved. Gaul was the intermediate country between the Roman state and
the Germans. Still deeply split into different parts, it was unable