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Adams, T. S., and Sumner, H. L. Labor problems. Macmillan.

Addams, J. Newer ideals of peace. Macmillan. (Forthcoming.)

Arons, L. Die preussische Volksschule und die Sozialdemokratie. Verlag der Sozialistischen Monatshefte. 37.

Brosseau, K. L'education des negres aux tats-Unis. Alcan.

Cochrane, C. H. Modern industrial progress. Lippincott. $3.

Drews, P. Die Reform des Strafrechts und die Ethik des Christentums. Tubingen : Mohr.

Duckworth, W. H. L. Morphology and anthropology. Macmillan. $4.50.

Evans. L. B. Civil government in the United States. Macmillan. (Forth- coming.)

Goldberger, L. M. Das Land der un- begrentzen Moglichkeiten : Beo- bachtungen uber das Wirtschaftsleben der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Brentano. 300. $2.35.

Guyot, Y. Les conflicts du travail Charpentier.

King, I. D. The differentiation of religious consciousness. (Monograph supplement of Psychological Review, Vol. VI, No. 4, January, 1905.) 72.

Liefmann, R. Kartelle und Trusts. Stuttgart : Moritz.

Macy, J. Party organization and ma- chinery. Century. $1.25 net.

Maude, A. A peculiar people : the Doukhobors. Funk & Wagnalls. $1.50.

Maxwell, W. H. British progress in municipal engineering. Series of three lectures. 182. Constable. 6s.

Ross, E. A. The foundations of soci- ology. Macmillan. (Forthcoming.)

Shaw, A. The business career. San Francisco: Elder. $i.

Smith, W. B. The color line: a brief in behalf of the unborn [the problem of the negro]. McClure. 15 + 261. $1.50 net.

Sociological papers, by V. V. Branford, F. Galton, Prof. Geddes, Prof. Durk- heim, E. Westermarck, and P. H. Mann. Macmillan. 300. IDS. 6d.

Solly, H. Working men's social clubs and educational institutes. 2d ed., condensed and supplemented. Simp- kin. 252. 33. 6d.

Thorndike, E. L. An introduction to the theory of mental and social meas- urement. New York: Science Press. 12 + 212. $1.50.


Albrecht, G. E. The religious life of modern Japan. Bibliotheca Sacra 42 : i, Jan. '05.

Almy, F. ; Bates, Helen P. ; Folks, H. Friday, Lucy F. ; Henderson, C. R. Kurd, H. B. ; Lathrop, Julia C Lindsey, Ben B. ; Putnam, Eliza- beth C. ; Reeder, R. R. ; Wilkin, R. J. ; Wines, F. H. Juvenile courts and probation. Charities 13:327, Jan. 7, 1905.

Belot, G. En quete d'une morale posi- tive. Rev. de metaphys. mor. 13 : 39, Jan. '05.

Bilgram, H. The cause of business stagnation : an inquiry into the in-

terrelation of the industrial and the financial world. Annals Amer. Acad. 25 : 87, Jan. '05.

Boncourt, V. Recherches sur 1'intoxi- cation par 1'oxyde de carbone par MM. Strassmann et Schulz. Ar- chives d'anth. crim. 20:41, Jan. '05.

Bourgeois, L. La democratic. Rev. polit. et parl. 42 : 429, Dec. '04.

Brockway, Z. R. Beginnings of prison reform in America. Charities 1 3 : 437, Feb. 4, '05.

Buck, W. B. Licensed dispensaries in New York state. Charities 13:378, Jan. 14, "05.


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