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promoted by legislation? No. Amer. Rev. 179:671, Nov. '04.

Gide, C. Le travail et le jeu. Rev. Christ. Soc. 17:405, Sept.-Oct. '04.

Giessler, C. M. Der einfluss der dun- kelheit auf das seelenleben des men- schen. Vierteljahrsch. Wissensch. Philos. u Soziol. 28 : 255, Sept. '04.

Haskell, F. W. The causes of accidents on American railways. Engin. Mag. XXVIII: 321, Dec. '04.

Hattori, Y. The foreign commerce of Japan since the restoration, 1869- 1900. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stu. 22: Nos. 9, 10:7, Sept.-Oct. '04.

Hutchinson, W., M. D. Animal mar- riage. Contemp. Rev. 86 : 485, Oct. '04.

Iselin, H. The claim of the ineligible. Charity Org. Rev., London, 16:285, Nov. '04.

Jolly, J. Rapport sur les causes de la criminalite de 1'enfance : discussion. Seance de la Societe Generale des Prisons du 29 Juin, 1904. Rev. Peni- tentiaire 18:845, Jul.-Oct. '04.

Kellett, Rev. O. Total suppression of the French congregations. The al- leged reasons. Am. Cath. Quart. Rev. 29 : 693, Oct. '04.

King, M. E. Socialism and human nature ; do they conflict ? Internat. Socialist Rev. V:32i, Dec. i, '04.

Kingsley, S. C. Child-saving and the standards of the naturalist. Char. 13 : 276, Dec. 10, '04.

Laplaigne, H. Psychologic, morale, so- ciologie. Rev. Internat. Soc. 12:825, Nov. '04.

Lanfer, Dr. B. Religiose toleranz in China. Globers, LXXXVI : 219, 15 Sept. '04.

MacKendrick, A. Heredity and en- vironment as factors in social de- velopment. Westm. 162: 180-7, Aug. '04.

MacMichael, J. H. The London signs and their associations. Antiq. 40 : 364, Dec. '04.

Masterman, C. F. G. After the reac- tion. (On the relation of literature

and middle classes.) Contemp. Rev. 86: 51, Dec. "04.

McNeill, G. E. Labor's advance from the old to the new philosophy. Amer. Fed. ii : 973, Nov. '04.

Ministry of commerce. The inter- national association for the legal pro- tection of laborers : the congress at Basle (Sept. 1904). Bull, de L'Off. du Trav., Paris, 1 1 : 980, Nov. '04.

Patten, S. N. The present problems in the economic interpretation of his- tory. Annals Amer. Acad. 24:110, Nov. '04.

Paulhan, F. L'immoralite de 1'art. Rev. Philosoph. 19:553, Dec. '04.

Pinkus, N. Workmen's insurance in Germany, III. Yale Rev. 13:296, Nov. '04.

Pohle, L. Der wohnungsmarkt unter der herrschaft der privaten ban- spekulation. Zeitsch. f. Socialwiss. VII: 615, Oct. 15, '04.

Quaintance, H. W. The influence of farm machinery on production and labor. Pubs, of Amer. Econ. Assn., Nov. 5, '04.

Riviere, L. La renaissance du theatre populaire. Reforme Sociale XLVIII : 804, i Dec. '04.

Schierbrand, W. von. Socialism and the parting of the ways. Internat. 10: 13-25, Oct. '04.

Schlenther, C. Die arbeiterwohlfahrts- emrichtungen der firma Gebr. Stumm in Neunkirchen. Jahrb. f. Nation- alokon in Stat. 83:515, Oct. '04.

Thomas, W. I. Is the human brain stationary? Forum 36:163, Oct.- Dec. '04.

Thompson, R. J. Local expenditure and local indebtedness in England and Wales. Jour. Roy. Stat. Soc. LXVII:337, Sept. 30, '04.

Wheatley, H. B. Antiquity of London as a city. Am. Antiq. 27 : 300, Sept.- Oct. '04.

Wolff, H. W. The co-operative con- gress at Budapest. Econ. Rev. 14:

449, Oct. 15.

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