and such is the communistic brotherhood, like Icaria. Similarity of nature and agreement in ideas constitute the social bond, and the kind of society so created is therefore appropriately called the Congenial.
3. There is a community of miscellaneous and sometimes lawless elements, drawn together by economic opportunity the frontier settlement, the cattle range, the mining camp. The newcomer enters this community an uninvited but unhindered probationer, and remains in it on sufferance. A general appro- bation of qualities and conduct is practically the only social bond. This type of society, therefore, I venture to call the Approbational.
The three types of society thus far named are simple, spon- taneously formed groups. The first two are homogeneous, and are found usually in relatively isolated environments. The third is heterogeneous, and has a transitory existence where excep- tional economic opportunities are discovered on the confines of established civilizations.
Societies of the remaining five types are in a measure arti- ficial, in part created by reflection by conscious planning. They are usually compound, products of conquest or of federa- tion, and, with few if any exceptions, they are of heterogeneous composition. They are found in the relatively bountiful and differentiated environments.
4. A community of the fourth type consists of elements widely unequal in ability: the strong and the weak, the brave and the timorous, exploiters and the exploited like enough conquerors and conquered. The social bonds of this community are despotic power and a fear-inspired obedience. The social type is the Despotic.
5. In any community of the fifth type arbitrary power has been established long enough to have identified itself with tradi- tion and religion. Accepted as divinely right, it has become authority. Reverence for authority is the social bond, and the social type is, therefore, the Authoritative.
6. Society of the sixth type arises in populations that, like
the Italian cities at their worst estate, have suffered disintegra-