Ward, Lester F. Evolution of Social Structures ----- 589
Westermarck, Edward. The Position of Women in Early Civilization - 408
Woodhead, Howard. The First German Municipal Exposition. IV - - 47
Allman, James. God's Children.—C. R. H. - - - - - - 133
Ancell, James R. Psychology.—Helen B. Thompson. - - - - - 691
ASAKAWA, K. The Russio-Japanese Conflict. Ferdinand Schwill. - - 701 BARROWS, SAMUEL J. Children's Courts in the United States. C. R.
Henderson 839
BATT, JOHN H. Dr. Barnardo. C. .R. Henderson. 838
BAUMGARTEN, O. Predigt-Probleme. C. R. Henderson. - ... 839
BECHEUX, A. La Reglementation du Travail. C. R. Henderson. - - - 839
BERTILLON, JACQUES. L'Alcoolisme et les moyens de le combattre. C. R. H. 132
BOLEN, GEORGE L. Getting a Living. C. R. H. 131
BOULARD, EDOUARD. Intgralisme, Philosophic et Sociologie. C. R. H. 255 Charity Organization Society, New York. A Hand Book on the Prevention
of Tuberculosis. C. R. H. 132
CHARBONNEL, VICTOR. Monsieur, Madame et * * 1'Autre. A. and H. H. 559
CORSON, ELIZABETH. The Child Housekeeper. C. R. Henderson. - - 840 CRAFTS, DR. AND MRS. WILBUR F. Intoxicants and Opium in all Lands and
Times. C. R. H. 559
DA COSTA, GASTON. La Commune vecue. Tome I. A. and H. Hamon. - 253
DEVINE, EDWARD T. The Principles of Relief. Charles R. Henderson. 554 DE FOREST, ROBERT W. Veillu, Lawrence. First Report of the Tenement
House Department of the City of New York. C. R. Henderson. - - 836 ENGELS, FREDERICK. Feuerbach, The Roots of the Socialist Philosophy.
C. R. Henderson. - - - - 841
GILMAN, N. P. Methods of Industrial Peace. Charles R. Henderson. - 557 GRUBB, EDWARD. Methods of Penal Administration in the United States.
C. R. Henderson. - - 840
HALL, G. STANLEY. Adolescence. H. Heath Bawden. - - 824 HANOTAUX, GABRIEL. Histoire de la France contemporaine. Tome I,
1871-1900. A. and H. Hamon. 353
HAYES, EDWARD C. Sociological Construction Lines. I 623
II 750
HEARN, LAFCADIO. Japan. Edmund Buckley. - - 545
HENDERSON, C. R. The School of Character in Prison. Z. R. Brockway. - 127 HERZFELD, GUSTAV. " Die Stellung der Amerikanischen Wohltatigkeits-
vereine." R. C. Brooks. - - 254 HOWARD, GEORGE E. History of Matrimonial Institutions. W illiam I.
Thomas. - - - - - - - - - - - - -129
HOWITT, A. W. The Native Tribes of Southeast Australia. W. I. Thomas. 700
HUBERT-VALLEROUX, P. La Cooperation. C. R. H. 255
HUNTER, ROBERT. Poverty. Florence Kelley. 555
KELLOR, FRANCES A. Out of Work. Charles R. Henderson. - - - 558