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La Re\-ue Soclaliste, 799

Rivista dl Filosofia Scicntifica, 344, 345

Rivista di Sociologia, 353

Rivista Itatianadi Filosofia,

La Science Sociale, 646

Vierteljahrschrift fiir Staats- und Volkswirth- schaft, 650, 652

Westminster Review, 22, 317, 47Q

Zeitschrift des Vcreins fiir Vollcsltunde, 439

Zeitscfarift fiir die gesaromte Staatswisscnschaft, 648, 649, 794, 795. 798 Perrier, 350 Pcrty, 351 Peschel, 351 Pestalozzi, 594, 736 Philo, 138 Philosoph\- of History, relation of, to sociology,

Philosophy, optimism and pessimism, cause and nature of, 132; nature and superiority of melio- rism, 135, J41 ; founded by Bruno, Descartes and Bacon, 335 ; monistic theorv advanced by Bruno, 335; utilitarianism in England, 341; dif- ference between ancient and modern, 738

Pietropaolo, F., 335

Pillsbury, Charles A., 688. 689

Pirrel, Dr., 593

Pitkins, Timotny, 273

Plato, 73, 126, 317, 617

Pliitschau, 591

PoLmcAL Economy, present state of, 8 ; economic vs. social motives, 66; definition of, 146; char- acterization as a science and as an art, 147 ; def inition as an art, 148 ; economists first developed idea of natural law 153; division of labor a fundamental principle of sociolo^, 153; and sociology, 151, 153, 154 ; utiSiiarian introduced by Hobbes, Smith and Bentham, 341 ; Cousan oro- tests against, 341 ; their conception adopted by Ferrara and his school, 342; Nitti criticises, 34a; malign influence of, 507 ; pain economy and pleasure economy, 637-38 ; human cost and utility, 646

PoLTTicAL Parties, why the worst is in power, 295

Pollock, 756

Pomeroy, 698, 708

Poor Law Commission of England, 393

Poor Relief, the county poorhouse and, 711

Pope, 106

PopinjvTiON, census statistics of, 248, 257; limita- tion of not desirable, 305 ; limitation of desirable, 308 -

Porter, H. K., 688

Post, 430

Powell, J. W., 426

Powers, H. H., 486, 489

Profit-sharing. Profit-sharing in the United States, 685-709 ar. ; Definition and distinctions, 685; profit-snaring enterprises now in operation, 687 ; cases of temporary abandonment, 696 ; cases of total abandonment, 699 ; summary of results in United States, 709; conclusion as to, 709

Property, more sacred than personality, 278 ; own- ership a concession from society, 571; injustice of legacies, 573, 578; proposed distinction be- tween ownership and proprietorship, 574 ; things subject to each, 575; duties of proprietorship, 577 ; one's business not one's own, 580

pROsrrrunoN, the police and, 2^1 ; working girls' clubs and, 758 ; chapter on in Tallack's book, 791

Proudhon, 51

Psychology, styled transcendental biology by Comle, 19^ relation to sociology, 452; its scope, 618; division into subjective and objective, 619; mind of biologic origin, 619, 636 ; the psycholog- ical standpoint is feeling, 620; nature and utility of pleasure and pain, 631; intellect as directive

power, 628; intellect developed as an assistant to the will, 629; ideas divided into" knowledge producing and action producing,'* 634; rale and strength of nerve currents, 635 ; not a part of biology, 793

PuBLicm", and democracy, 36

Public Opinion. The Guidance of Public Opin- ion, 158-169 ar.; importance of in United Slates, 158 ; nature of, 160 ; in European countries, 161 ; influence of professors, 161 ; of party leaders, 162; of newspapers, 163, 168; of associations, 164; duty of ihe educated, 164; influence of churches and extension lecturcson, 165 ; improper and proper influence from education, 165 ; need of an independent newspaper, 168; limits criminal punishment, 7^5 ; in action, 759

PuBUC Policy, indefiniteness and variability of, 658. 659; is the basis of legislation in restraint of trade, 663

Puglla, F., 336

Quatrefages, 438

Rabbeno, 346

Rabelais, 533

Rafineique, 338

Raiffeisen Loan Offices, 649

Raikes, Robert, 590

Railroads, census report on, 255

Rainbow, Edwin, 645

Randall, C. D., 710-734 ar.

Ratio, 349

Ratzel, 439

Ratzinger, 583

Rauhe Hause, founded by Wichem, 678

Rautenburg, 590

Reagan, 418

Reclus, Elisee, 434

Redenbacher, 591

Religion, is rational, ij6; Eastern religions pessimistic. Western optimistic, 137; as a pro- gressive force, 300; nature of.^oi ; and strug- gle for existence, 304; Mr. Kidd's theory as a support for, 311; all work sacred, 497 ; ra- tionalism in Germany, 5S7 ; pietism in Germany, 587; Christian societies in Germany, 588: Bible societies, 589: beginning of Sunday schools, ^90; circulation 01 Chiislian writings, 59t ; religious newspapers, 591 ; Catholic church and poor re- lief, sQs; origin of religion, 748

Renan, 609, 618, 783

Representative Government, declining faith in, 31

Republican Government, failures of, 28

Residuum, how it is fed, 506

Reynolds, James B., 793

Ricardo, 147

Richardson, Charles, 94

Riehl, 4M

Kiehl, 454 Ripley, W. Z., 651 RoDCrly, 350

«rty, 3 JO Rochetin, Eugene, 647 Rodbertus, 343 Romagnos), 339, 349 Roscher, 346

Ross, Edward Alsworlh, 513-535 «r., 753-770 ar. Rousseau, 114, 283,475 Ruskin, John, 65, 647

Saini-Hilatre, Geoffroy de, 338

Sailer, 498-49^ bk., 613 Sanborn, B. F., 803 Savatier, Henri, 65a Say, Jean-Baptiste, 147

Say, Leon. 645

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