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Michelet, 340

Mill, John Stuart, 22, 23, 347, 349. 385. 45o, 475. 555

Miller, Merton L.,639-*42 rv. . „ ^

lAovo?oiAKS,Anti-Afoti0polyLe^slatzonin U.S. 411 -425 ar. ; influence of old enactments on mod- em ideas of, 411 ; first attacked, time of Elizabeth, 411; under James I.,4ii; suppressed by Revolu- tion of 1688, 412 ; condemned in State Constitu- tions, 413; difference between old and modern, 414; why they are opposed, 415: beginning and growth of, 415; attacks upon, 416; state laws against, 417; interstate commerce law, 417 ; maybe desirable, 418 ; development of modern tmst, 418 ; constitutional enactments, 418; anti-trust laws, 419; definition of, 419; exceptions as to agricul- tural products, 421 ; penalties, 421 ; cause of fail- ure of anti-tmst laws, 422; individual monopoly not prohibited, 422; best dealt with by common law courts, 123; good influence of legislation, 423 ; may come to \x favored on grounds of public policy, 424 ; English prejudice against, 665

Monroe, James, 263

Monroe, Paul, 50-68 ar.. 685-709 ar.

Montefiore, 188

Montesquieu, 114. 146. 33S» 339. 475

Monumenta Germaniae Historical 607

Morals, mass vs. individual, 35; nature of moral- ity, 444, 445; morality, social and relative, 797

Mortality, census statistics of, 252, 255

Morasso, 349

Morpurgo, Emilio, 340, 345

Morris, Gouvemeur, 32

Morris, William, 65

Morselli, Enrico, 335, 344. 346. 349» 55^

Moses, Bernard, 486, 490

Municipal Governmekt, corruption in, 293 ; rem- edy for corruption, 295 ; civic reform necessary to reform of criminals, 295-792; A Programme of Municipal Reform, 551-563 ^^-^ circum- stances of deterioration, 551 ; desiderata of municipal reform : executive independence and responsibility, 552 ; restriction of the powers of the city council, 553; civil service reform, 554; election reform, 554 ; divorce of city from national politics not indispensable, 554 ; need of change in political habits of people. 556; obstacles to this change, 559; the sin of bribery, 560; education the remedy, 562 ; municipal ownership, should be extended, 408 ; advantage of, 409 ; extortion of corporations a just punishment, 409; will be an element in future progress, 410

Munsterburg^ £.

Napoleon, 671

Natural Law, idea of natural law first realized by

the economists, 152 Neal, 50

Neander, 605, 677, 678, 781 Nelson. N. O., 687, 690, 691, 708 Nettleship, 767 New comb, 313

Newspapers, enumeration of, by census of 1850 New Testament, see Christian Sociology Nitti, 342, 346, 781 Novicow, 350

Old Age Pensions, 798 Oldenburg, F.,674 Oken, 17

Oncken, J. G., 590 Optimism, see Philosophy Orlet, G., 807 Owen, Robert, 392 Oynhansen^ Lady von, 591

Pascal, G. de, 652

Passy, Frederic, 146

Paton, J. B., 674

Patrizzi, 536

Patten, Simon N., 350, 479, 633-639 hk.

Peabody, 392

Pedagogy, and sociology constitute the theory and art of self control, 354; comparison of the two^ 355 ; need of pedagogy for sociology, 357, 358

Penology, Punishment and Reformation. 501- 503 rv.: Penoiogicai and Preventive Prin- ciples^ 791 rv.: evolution of, 501; sociology necessary to improve, 502 ; indeterminate sen- tence, 502; and criminal anthropology, 502; prison labor, 502; transporting vs. peneien- tiary system in England, 502; condition of, previous to present century, 710; aim and methods of, 753-757 i substitutes for repressive measures, 786; criminal triaJs, 788; penalties to be based on nature of person, 788 ; local jails in U. S., 791 ; Elmira system, 791 ; tendencies in, 800

Pericles, 720

Periodicals and Papefs : Advance, 5 A. \. C, P. Notes. 644 American Anthropologist, 313, 426 American Journal of Sociology, 13-15, 475,479*

583, 674, 756 Annals Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc Science, 17,

479, 486, 633, 794 Anthropological Society of Washington, trans- actions, 134 Archiv fiir Geschichte der Philosophie, 336 L'Association Catholique, 650, 652, 798 Biblioiheca Sacra, 509 Bulletin de L'Oflice du Travail, 644 Bulletin of Events in the Field of City Govern

ment, 651 Bulletin of the Department of Labor, 644 Chautauqtian, 793 Chicago Tribune, 791 Christian Messenger, 591 Christian Socialist, 50, S7, 58 Contemi>orary Review, 224, 651, 799 Economic Journal, 646 Economic Review, 51, 58, 645, 647 Employer and Employed, 687 Fall River Daily Globe, 695 Fliegende Blatter aus dem Rauhen Haus, 797 Fortnightly Review, 323, 325 Forum, 692 Harpers* Weekly, 792 Homiletic Review, 214 International Journal of Ethics, 648, 767, 796,

Janrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Stattstik

649 Journal dcs Economistes, 645, 647 Journal of Political Economy, 486, 489 Labor Gazette, 643 Manufacturer, 643 Monist, 199, 315, 478 Nation, 165 Our Day, 52

Political Science Quarterly, 195, 651, 730 Politics for the People, 50 Psychological Review, 448 Public Opinion, 168, 792 Reforma Sociale, 343 La Reforme Sociale, 652 Review of Reviews (American) Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale, 446, 798 Revue du Chrislianisme Pratique, 650 Revue du Travail de Belgique, 644 Revue Internationale de Sociologie, 146, 352 Revue Penetentiaire, 797

Revue Sociale ct Politique, 799

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