< Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 1.djvu
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acobi, 344

ager, G., 795

ames 1, 411, 43a, 657, 663

ames, Edmund J., 80a

ames, William, 635

cfferson, Thomas, 763

enks, Jeremiah W., 158-169 ar.,793

enner, 105

erome, 460

esscl. Sir George, 667

ohnson, Emory R.,8o3

onnes, Moreau de, 245

osephus, 461

udsoD, Harry Pratt, 38-40 ar.

KA^^^, 12, 73, 119, 451, 453, 586, 676

Kaufmann. 52, 58, 61, 62

Keane, A. H. 639-42 bk.

Kckewich, J., 658

Kent, j., 412

Kidd, Benjamin, 8, 136, 299, 312, 527, 748

Kiessling, Johann Tobias, 589

Kin^sley, 50, 58, 61, 65

Kinicutt, 674

Knowledge, all knowledge, both end and means, 104; the final critenon, 104-105; proper study of man is mankind, 106; knowledge is reprxxluc- tioD, 121; knowledge and speculation, 143

Kuss, P. N., 696

Labor, a service, not a commodity, 66; U. S. Department of Labor, publications, 270; report on convict labor, 270; report on railroad labor, 371; on labor laws of the states. 271; digest of reports of labor bureaus, 271; on housing of the working people, 372; report of congress on labor and capital, 273; report of Department of Agri- culture on wages of farm labor, 268; improved condition of in England, 643; bulletin of the Department of Latx>r, 644; Tabor in Australia, 799; see Capital, Cooperation, Insurance, Strikes, Trades Unions

Labor Unions, tyranny of, 35

La Bruyere, 151

La Fontaine, Chas. H., 803

Laissez faire, see Individualism

Lamarck, 17, 20, 338, 435, 477

Lami, 339

L«impertico, Fedele, 340

Land, monopoly of, 279

Langerock, Hubert, 799

Lapie, P., 446, 452

La Rochefoucauld, 532

Laughlin, 385

Laveleye, Emile de, 64, 780

Law, and anthropology, 49; nature of juridical phenomena, 19^, ^48; unenforced laws and their influence oa cnminal classes, 291, 203; injustice of police courts, 292; character of the common, 660; precedent vs. public policy, 661; law as an element of public control: the courts, 753; punishment vs. reward, 753; penalties limited by public opinion, 755, jury system should be abolished, 788

Lazarus, 439

Le Bon, 439

Leclaire, 393

Le Conte, 199, 203, 478

Legislation, ne«l of improvement in, 407; irra- tionalityof 661; legislation in restraint of trade and common law, 664; defects of our legislation in restraint of trade, 664; account of, 664; largely nullified by the courts, 67a

Lehmann, 674

Leibnitz, 477

Le Play, 803

Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, 146

Lessing, 119

Lestrade, Combes de, 486, 490

Lcsur Bernard, H., 800

Letoumeau, 335, 351, 795

Levasseur, Emile, 146

Lewes, 635

Libraries, enumeration of by census of 1850, 253

Liefde, John de. 674

Lightfooi, 783

Lilienfield, 345. 350. 795

Linnaeus, 435

Lobby, vicious influence of, 3a-33

Locke, 17, 635

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 347

Lombroso, 438

Loria, Achille, 346

Ludlow, J. M., 50, 800

Lutherhof, house of rescue, Weimer, 594

Machaivelli, 474, 533

Machinery, full service of, iMjt yet secured, 225

Mackenzie, 479, 480

MacVeagh, r ranklin, 551-563 ar>

Madison, 263

Maine, Sir Henry, 438, 750

Maitland, 756

Majorana, An^elo, 349

Mallery, Garnck, 436

Mallet, Pastor, 591

Mallock. W. H., 651

Malthus 147, 636

Man. Simply a term in the cosmical series, 133;

his existence an accident, 138, 313 : insignificance

in the universe, 138; capacity lor happiness, 376;

restlessness of, 3^3; capacity for the ideal, 353;

anthropocentric view, 434, 6ai; tempetameni due

to chemical constitution, ^3; influences which

modify his action, 444; difference between his

mind and that of animals, 747; redeemability of,

79a Manning, Daniel, 361 Mansfield, Lord, 671 Manufactures, report of Department of Labor on

iron, glass and textile, 371 Marburg. Theodore, 645 Marriage AND Divorce, report of Department of

Labor on, 371; Jesus* ideas as to marriage, 457;

as to divorce, 459; report of the National Divorce

Reform League, 643; origin of marriage, 746;

inbreeding avoided, 747; marriage in France,

800 Marselli, 346 Marsh, 340

Marshall, C. J., 398, 413 Martin, R., 648 Marti neau, 301 Martini, Cognetti, 346 Marx, Carl, 11, 60, 344 Mason, Otis T., 496 Massaryk, T. G.. 347 Mathews, Shailer, 60-77 ar., 182-194 ar., 359-380

'"'•. 457-473 or., 604-617 o.* 771-785 ar, Matthew, 338

Maurice, Frederic Dentson, 50, 51 Mayo-Smith, 482, 486 McDermot, George, 596-603 ar. McKinlcy, 163 McMasier, 29 McMillan, Emerson, 6S9 Meredith, W. M..a6i Method, error of an obscure style, 639; excuse lor

dogmatism, 640

Meyer, George, i6a, 46a

Meyer, Lucy Riders 674

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