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Abbreviations. — ar, article by person named or with title given ; 6A, book reviewed of which person is author, or which has title given; rv, review by the person named.

Achclis, «9.

Adams, H. C, 393, 708

Adams, John, 264

Addams, Jane, 536-550 ar

Agriculture, cause of unsatisfactory condition of,

in U. S., 549 A. I. C. P. Notes. 644 d'Albert, 17 Altruism, origin of word, 16; social influence of,

530; limitations of, 634 d'Amalius, 338 American Journal of Sociology, its aim and

methods, 13 Ampere, 17

Anarchs*. Anarchy or Government^ 498-499 hk Anders, Charles, 798 Andree, 439 Anguilli, 352 Annates de P Institute des Sciences Soeia/es,

Anthropology, how related to history, 41; defini- tion of term, 46; includes sociology, 46; prac- tical application of, 47; in college courses, 48; and study of law, 49; character of, 436, 742, 745; classified by Anthropological Society of Washington, 426; relation of, to sociology, 437; man compared with other animals, 427 ; origin of brain^ speech, etc, 438-434; human vs. animal association, 431 ; Man not naturally a social ani- mal, 432; somatic anthropology, 435; main task of, 435 ; limitations of craniometry, 436; defect of Lombroso's theory, 438 ; primary end of, 439 ; influence of language and memory, 443; subdi- visions of, 7^3 ; natural history of man, 742 ; ori- gin of marriage, family and government 746; origin of mythology and religion

Anzilotti, Dionysius, 348

Aquinas, Thomas, 608

Arbitration, Congress of, 391

Aristotle. 74, 151, 433

Arnold, Matthew, 301

Art, nature of, 445 ; for art vs. science see Science

Arturaro, 349

Ashley, J. M., 709

Association, reality of to modern men, i ; popular philosophy of, 3; problems of, 106; not limited to man, 437, 433; as effect and cause of brain development, 433, 746; is the true province of sociology, 447 ; no race without, 746

Associations, Place and Function of Volun- tary Associations, 327-334 ar., intellectual and moral in America, 337; voluntary associations distinguished, 338 ; test of association, 518.

Augustine, 190, 606

Aveling, Edward, it

Aviccbron, 336

Bacon, Francis, 335, 474, 481, Bacon, Roger, 474 Baer, Von, 477 Bagley, Governor, 718

Bain, 635

Baldwin, 435

Balfour, 490

Ball, Sidney, 796

Ballanche, 340

Bancroft, Jane M., 674

Bar, A., 438

Barrett, Justice, 669

Barrows, Samuel J., 801

Barth, Christian Gotlieb, 591

Bascom, John, 493 &k

Bastian, 351, 439. 44©

Bauer, Stephen, 803

Bax, 187

Beach, Charles F., Jr., 399, 657-673 ar

Bebel, 799

Bemis, E. W., 310, 220-230 rv

Bengi, 346

Bentham, 341, 475

Bemes. 446, 450, 454

Berthelot, 446, 447

BertolinI, 346

Bertram, Anton, 798

Beyschlag, 360

Biddle, Jacob A., 503

Bierbower, 53

Bill of Rights, influence of on state constitutions.

Biology, origin of term, 17 «.,• relation to botany and zoology, 20 ; nature of biologic organism and protoplasm, 316; nature of irritability, 441 ; life of lower animals controlled by laws of physics and chemistry, 443

Bismarck, 161, 677

Blackmar, F. W., 693

Blainville, de, 17

Bleek, 462

Bliss, W. U. P.. 53

Bluntschli, 604, 607, 608, 790

Bodio, Ltiigi, 793

Botsgulllel^rt, 151

Bonnet, 477

Booth, Mrs. Maud Ballington, 792

Bosanquct, Bernard, 230 ok

Botany, value of study of, 21 ; relation to biology so

Bougie, 797

Bowen, Lord Justice, 658, 659

Bradley, J., 658

Braga, 348, 351

Bnganti, Pilippo, 337

Bright, John, 393

Broadus, 184, 463

Broca, Paul, 426

Brockway, 791

Brooks, John Graham, 648

Bruce, 360

Bruno, Giordano, 335

Bryce, 651, 768, 770

Bticher, 726

Buffon. 435, 475

Buonafede, Appiano, 339


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