Sanitary Science:
Household economics as a university movement. Helen Campbell, RRA.,
Mr. Pure water for drinking and cooking, S. P. Axtell, EM., Ap. Scotch element. The, in the American
people, N. S. Shaler, AM., Ap. Sexes: Die Theorie dercontraren Sexual- empfindung, Havelock Ellis, CNP., F. Social analysis: Le mecanisme de la vie moderne VUI, G. d'Avemel, RDM., Mr. Social control, E. A. Ross, AJS., Mr. Social ethics: The morality that is, Alfred
Hodder, IJE., Ap. Social evolution. Note on the term, Geo.
McDermot, AJS., Mr. Socialism:
Le socialisme et la psychologic du
raisonnement, Zerboglio, RS., Mr. Individualism et socialisme, A. Leroy-
Beaulieu, RefS, Mr. The present outlook of socialism in
England, Wm. Morris, F., Ap. German socialism of today, GM., Ap. Le Parti socialiste Allemand en 1895,
H. Thurow, RS., F. The moral aspects of socialism, Sydney Ball, IJE., Ap. Social morals: Les conditions actuelles de
paix morale, F. Rauh, RMM., Mr. Social movements: See RefS., RIS., SS. Social question: La question sociale e i
cattolici, Salvatore lalamo, RISS., F. Society:
Modern theories of society, J. J. Ming,
ACQ., Ja. L'ecole physiocratique et I'avenement de la conception organique, Hector Denis, AJS., Ja. Le role sociaie de I'ecrivan, Renft,
Doumic, RefS., Ap. Du role des classes dirigeantes, Ch. Gide, RCS., Ja. Societies: See AAP., Sc, Ntr. Sociology :
La science sociale et la morale, G. de
Pascal, AC, F. Theory of social forces, GM., Mr.
Christian sociology IV, Shailer Math- ews, AJS., Mr. Sociologie et democratic, C. Andler,
RMM., Mr. Sociology and psychology, L. F. Ward,
AJS., Mr. Individual determinism and social
science, G. Fiamingo, AAP., Mr. Scholarship and social agitation, A. W.
Small, AJS., Mr. Social science in the theological semin- aries, John Tunis, LH., Ja. The social value of individual failure,
G. B. Herron, A., Mr. Statistics: Social and industrial statis- tics, C. D. Wright, GM., Mr., Ap. Recent contributions to vital statistics, G. N. Calkins, ASA., D. Stock watering. The myth of, GM., Ap. Taxation:
Principles of taxation, II, PSM., Mr.
Ill, Apr., D.A.Wells. Les impots interieurs et les impots exte- rieurs de lYtat, Th. Funck-Brentano, and Ch. Dupuis, RPP., F. Temperance: Temperance movement, E.
E. Hale, LH., Mr. Theory and practice:
Siir quelque relations de la pens^e theoretique avec les interests prati- ques, G. Simme!, RMM., Mr. Trade-Unions:
Une nouvelle enquete sur le trade- unionisme anglais, Paul de Rousiers, SS., Mr. Trusts: The anthracite combinations, G.
O. Virtue, QJE., Ap. United States:
Wealth production and consumption
by the nation, G. B. Waldron, A.,
The new sectionalism, F. E. Haynes,
QJE., Ap.
Wages: Wages in the United States,
Emile Levasseur, JPE., Mr. Warfare: The natural history of Warfare,
N. S. Shaler, NAR., Mr. Wealth: The social function of wealth,
Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, PSM., Ap.