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Les projets de refonnes univereitaires de M. Combes, A. Albert-Petit, RPR, Mr. Les refonnes universitaires, Ferdinand

Brunetiire, RDM., F. Primary education and the state, John

Clifford, CoR., Mr. The old and the new pedagogy in Ger- many, Wilhelm Rein, EdR., Mr. Educational values in the elementary schools, W. V. O'Shea, PSM., Mr. Ethics : The metaphysical study of ethics,

John Dewey, Psy. R., Mr. Factories : Le regime des fabriques en

Autriche, Victor Brants, RefS., F. I. Family: Family life in America, Th.

Bentzon, F., Mr. Finance : Deficiency of revenue the cause of our financial ills, John Sherman, F., Ap. The demand for more money, E. W.

Bemis, BS., Ap. The money question and constructive

enterprise, J. R. Dunlap, EM., Mr. The United States gold problem, W. R.

Lawson, BME., Ja. The multiple money standard, A. J.

Smith, AAP., Mr. Recent American books on money, WiUard Fisher, QJE., Ap. Food :

The food and labor power of nations,

F. S. Nitti, EcJ., Mr. Foods, nutritive value and cost, W. O. Atwater, S., Mr. Geology : The history and principles of geology, and its aims, J. C. Hartzell, AN., Mr., Ap. Happiness : Das menschliche Gliick und die soziale Frage, II., Schubert-Soldern, ZGS. (F.). Heredity : The study of inheritance, W.

K. Brooks, PSM., Mr. History : L'oeuvre historique de Fustel de

Coulanges, Paul Guiraud, RDM., Mr. Hospital, The floating, R. B. Tobey,

LH., Ja. Housing of the poor : Improved Dwellings Company, Brooklyn, New York, LH., F. Ideals:

Le movement idealiste en France,

Alfred P'ouill^e, RDM., Mr. LTdealisme social, Eugene Foumiere, RS., Mr. Individualism vs. collectivism : Individ- ualism et coUectivisme dan le move-

ment recent des associations, H.

Haentschke, RCS., Mr. Industries, The location of, E. A. Ross,

QJE., Ap. Innere mission : Rise of the German In- ner Mission, C. R. Hendersdn, AJS., Mr. Insanity :

The increase of insanity, W. J. Corbet,

FR., Mr. Unbalanced people, F. H. Wines, LH.,

Mr. Insurance :

The recent development of accident

assurance, BME., Ja. Les projets de transformation des as- surances sociales en AUemagne,

Gruner, RefS., F. I. Ziir Frage der Arbeitslosen-Versiche-

rung, Worishofer, ZGS. (F.) Assurance centre les accidents du

travail, Le Cour Grandmaison, AC,

F. L'assurance contre le chomage et les

soci^t^s de secours mutuels, Raoul

Jay. RPP., F. L' Assurance ouvriftre en AUemagne et

les recents projets relatifs k sa trans- formation, Maurice Block, RPP., Mr. Les assurances ouvriires obligatores

en AUemagne et ailleurs, Ch. Corre-

von, RCS., Ja. L'assurance contre les accidents en

France, Albert Gigot and others,

RefS., Mr. 16. Du monopole de I'^tat en matiere

d'assurance contre I'incendie, RenĀ£

Stounn, RefS., Mr. Insurable interest in life. III., E. H.

Dickson, ALRR, Mr. Irish, The, in American life, H. C. Mer-

win, AM., Mr. Irrigation :

Pump irrigation on the great plains,

H. V. Hinckley, EM., Ap. Steppes, deserts and alkali lands, E.

W. Hilgard, PSM., Mr. Labor:

Employer and employed under the

common law, V. H. Olmstead and

S. D. Fessenden, LH., F. The labor party in Queensland, Anton

Bertram, CoR., Mr. A legislative remedy for labor disputes,

H. A. Drake, AMC, Ap. Free labor bureau, LH., Ap. For miscellaneous information on all

aspects of the labor question see


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