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Temperance: Scientific Temperance, D.

Starr Jordan, PSM., Ja. Tolstoy's Philosophy of Life, Count, E.

H. Crosby, A., Ja. Toynbee and His Work, M. McG. Dana,

GM., Ja. Trade Unions:

Trade Unions in Great Britain and Ire- land, BDL., Ja.

Conference sur les Trade-Unions, Le Cour-Grandmaison, AC, Ja. United States:

History of the Last Quarter Century in, X, E. B. Andrews, SM., F.

Our Aristocracy, R. N.Reeves, AMC, Ja. Utopia, The, of Sir Thomas More, B. O.

Flower, A., Ja.-F. Ventilation, Expired Air and Problems of,

PSM., F. Wages and Hours of Labor in Great

Britain and Ireland, BDL., Ja. Water Supply, Locating a Public, D. W.

Mead, EM., F.

Well-being, The Endeavor after, J. A.

Thompson, NS., Ja. Welfare: Das menschliche Gluck und die soziale Frage, Prof, von Schubert-Sol- dern, ZGS., Ja. Women:

Is Woman Embodied Obstruction?

Helen Campbell, A., F. A Half Century of Progress, Mary Low

Dickinson, A., F. Discontented Women, A. E. Barr,

NAR., F. Woman and the Bicycle, Dr. H.J. Gar-

rigues, Ja.-F. The Higher Education of Women,

John Tetlow, EdR., F. Die Ausschliessung der verheirateten

Frauen aus der Fabrik, R. Martin,

ZGS., Ja. Workhouses, La reforme des maisons de travail forc6 en AUemagne. L. Riv- ifere, RPe., Ja.


A. Arena. GM.

AAD. American Annals of the Deaf. HR. AAP. Annals of tlie Arilerican Academy of Polit- J Ed.

ical and Social Science. JFf.

AC. L* Association Catholique. JHS. ATM. American Journal of Medical Sciences.

AJP. American Journal of Psychology. X^\'

ATS. American Journal of Sociology. LQR.

ALI^. American Law Review. Mi.

AM. Atlantic Monthly. Mo.

AMC. American Magazine of Civics. NAR.

AP. Archive fiir Philosophic. NC. APN. ArtJiive fur Psychiatric und Nervenkran- NS.

kenheiten. Ntr. AZP. Allgemeine Zcitschrift fiir Psychiatric und PR.

Psychischgerichtliche Medicin. PSM.

BAN. Bankers Magazine, New York. QJE.

BC. Biologische Centralblatt. QR.

BDL. Bulletin of the Department of Labtor. RIS.

BOX. Bulletin de I'Officc du Travail. RMM,

BS. Bibliotheca Sacra. RPe.

Ch. Chautauquan. RPh.

ChR. Charities Review. RR.

ChOR. Charity Organization Review. RS.

CoR. Contemporary Review. ^ RV.

DMW. Deutsche Medicinische WtKhensclirift. S.

E. Education. SM. EcR. Economic Review. SP. EdR. Educational Review. SR. EM. Engineering Magazine. YR.

F. Forum. ZGS. FNZ. ForstlichNaturwissenshaftliche Zcit- schrift. ZPP.

FR. Fortnightly Review.

Guaton's Magazine. Hygienische Rundschau. Journal of Education. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Johns Hopkins University Studies in flistory and Political Science.

{oumal of Mental 'Science. ,aw Quarterly Review. Mind. Monist.

North American Review. Nineteenth Century. Natural Science. Nature.

Philosophical Review. Popular Science Monthly. Quarterly Journal of Economics. Quarterly Review. Revue Internationale de Sociologie. Revue Metaphyslgue et de Morale. Revue Penetentiaire. Revue Philosophique. Review of Reviews. Revue Socialiste. Revue du Travail. Sanitarian. Scribner's Magazine. Science Progress. School Review. Yale Review. Zeitschrift fijr die gesamte Staatswissen-

schaften. Zeitschrift fiir Psychologic und Physiologie

der Sinnesorgane.

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