Electricity, The Commercial Exploitation of, B. E. Greene, EM., F.
Truth and the Test of Truth, Alfred Hodder, PR., Ja.
Locke's Theory of Mathematical Knowledge and of a Possible Science of Ethics, James Gibson, Mi. (NS.), Ja.
Ethical Life and Conceptions of the Japanese, IJE., Ja.
Evolution, Lord Salisbury on, Herbert Spencer, PSM., F.
Finance: Le Marché financier en 1895, Arthur Raffalovich, JEc, Ja.
Folk-Psychology, The Scope and Method of, W. I. Thomas, AJS., Ja.
Food Economy, Errors in, W. O. Atwater, ChR., Ja.
Government Administration of Industrial Enterprise, A. T. Hadley, YR., F.
Grain Exchange: Die Getreidebörsen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, H. Schumacher, JNS., Ja.
Uebersicht ueber die Mineralwasser and Heilquellen der Vereinigten Staaten Amerikas, DMW., Ja.
Sollen wir isoliren? Dr. Wattenburg, AZP., Ja.
Falle von Simulation, Dr. J. Salgo, AZP., Ja.
Germinial selection, August Weismann, Mo., Ja.
The Study of Inheritance, I, Prof. W. K. Brooks, PSM., F.
Zur Psychophysik der Geschichtsempfindung, G. E. Muller, ZPP., Ja.
Die Sogenannte materialische Geschichtsphilosophie, III., Paul Barth, JNS., Ja.
Homes, A Workingman's Plea for American, J. B. Hammond, AMC, Ja.
A Student's Recollections of Huxley, Prof. Angelo Heilprin, PSM., Ja.
Thomas Huxley, Robert Keller, BC, Ja.
Idiocy, The Surgical Treatment of, G. E. Shuttleworth, JMS., Ja.
Insanity of Conduct, G. H. Savage and C. Mercer, JMS., Ja.
A Statistical Article Suggesting that Insanity is Decreasing, T. A. Chapman, JMS.
Etat de l'assurance ouvriere en Europe: lois et projets de loi, RT., Ja.
Insurance: Infantile Insurance in Europe, C. W. Chancellor, ChR., Ja.
Interest: Ueber das Problem des Kapitalzinsen, Dr. B. Thorsch, ZGS., Ja.
Invention and Discovery, On the Part Played by Accident in, Ernst Mach, Mo., Ja.
Inventions, The Stubborn Opposition to, W. C. Dodge, EM., F.
Japan, Industrial Revolution in, W. E. Curtis, BDL., Ja.
Jews of New York, The, J. A. Riis, RR., Ja.
Jurisprudence, The Conception of Morality in, T. W. Taylor, PR., Ja.
Digest of Recent Reports of State Bureaus of Labor, BDL., Ja.
Decisions of Courts Affecting Labor, BDL., Ja.
American Federation of Labor, GM., F.
Le Paradise des Ouvriers (l'Australie). Liebenhaar, RS., Ja.
Labor Legislation: General Summaries: for United States, BDP.; for Great Britain, LG., for France, BOT.; for Belgium, RT.; see also under Legislation.
Lamarck and Lyell: a Short Way with Lamarckians, W. K. Brooks, NS., F.
Anti-monopoly Legislation in the United States, J. D. Forrest, AJS., Ja.
Political Betterments Through Improved Legislation, W. F. Crafts, AMC, Ja.
Social and Economic Legislation of the States in 1895, W. B. Shaw, QJE., Ja.
Legislation Ouvrière Comparée, Adrien Veber, RS., Ja.
Medicine: New Outlooks in the Science and Art of Medicine, T. Mitchell Prudden, PSM., Ja.
Missions in the Light of Fact, Foreign, Rev. Judson Smith, NAR., Ja.
Money-Standard Question, The Two Sides of the. Dr. Otto Arendt and Prof. Frank Herriott, RR., F.
Municipal Government: The City Government of Baltimore, T. P. Thomas, JHS., F.
National Prejudices, J. C. Bayly, IJE., Ja.
The History of Modern Philosophy in England, API., Ja.
Philosophy in its National Development, Prof. Knight, Mi., NS., Ja.
The Hegemony of Science and Philosophy, Alfred Fouilé, IJE., Ja.