The fourth annual report relates to working women in twenty-two of the larger cities of the United States. Besides giving the statistics as to wages, expenditures, health, moral and sanitary surroundings and conditions, and results of work in shops, the report also comprehended what is being done in the cities canvassed in the way of clubs, homes, etc., to assist working women when out of employment or when otherwise requiring temporary encouragement.
The fifth annual report relates to railroad labor of the country, and by it the results as to pay and the efforts of companies to assist their employes, the liability for accidents, and other features were brought out.
The sixth and seventh annual reports are, perhaps, among the most voluminous labor reports in existence. They relate primarily to the cost of producing iron and steel and cognate products, the textiles and glass in this and other countries. It took three years and a half of the most laborious efforts to collect and tabulate the information. While the primary object of securing the information was the cost of production, the wages of those working in the industries comprehended by the investigation and the cost of living of the workers themselves were considered, and the bulk of these two reports (sixth and seventh) relates to wages and the cost of living, the latter feature covering the accounts of more than 16,000 families.
The eighth annual report relates to industrial education in this and other countries. The ninth is a report upon building and loan associations, and the tenth relates to strikes and lockouts, being a continuation of the third annual and bringing the account of such occurrences down to June 30, 1894.
In addition to its annual reports the department has also published eight special reports, as follows:
1. Marriage and Divorce.
2. Labor Laws of the Various States, Territories and the District of Columbia.
3. Analysis and Index of All Reports Issued by the Bureaus of Labor Statistics in the United States prior to November 1, 1892.