eign countries, etc.; monthly crop synopses, being a four-page summary of the conditions, prospects, yield, price, distribution, and consumption of crops, and the number and value of farm animals. This little publication is issued in advance of the monthly statistical reports in order that prompt information may be given to the public. The miscellaneous series includes special contributions on particular subjects. To mention some of the more important of this series that have been published during the last five years, we find there are:
1. The Album of Agricultural Statistics of the United States, being the results of investigations under the direction of the statistician. This was published in 1889.
2. Album of Agricultural Graphics, showing the values, per acre, of crops of the United States, based on the results of official statistical inquiry. This was published in 1891.
3. Report of Cooperative Credit Association in Certain European Countries and their Relation to Agricultural Interests. This was published in 1892.
4. Wages of Farm Labor in the United States, being the results of nine statistical investigations from 1866 to 1892, with extensive inquiries concerning wages from 1840 to 1865. This was published in 1892.
5. The Production and Distribution of the Principal Agricultural Products of the World. Published in 1893.
6. Foods: Nutritive Value and Cost. Published in 1894.
7. Production and Price of Cotton for One Hundred Years. Published in 1895.
In addition to the above the statistician of the department makes an annual report showing, among other things, wages, prices of agricultural products, freight rates, etc.
The department has also brought out some valuable specific reports relative to the diseases of the horse, treatment of cattle, and various subjects not only of interest to the farmer himself, but to those who are studying the progress of science in the treatment of crops and of animals.