it deems most wise. It shall be a purely voluntary association, which leaves the churches, with all their diverging views of doctrine and polity, absolutely unsolicited either to worship or to fellowship which would contradict their independent convictions. Nor shall it lay the churches under any financial obligations.
Art. III. Membership.—Section 1.—All persons in sympathy with the objects of the Alliance and purposing to coöperate with it may become members by signing the Constitution.
Section 2.—Any evangelical church desiring to become a member of the Alliance, and having so determined by appropriate action on its part, shall be deemed a coöperating church.
Art. IV.—Management. The management of the Alliance shall be vested in a Board of Managers, to consist of the Pastor of each coöperating evangelical church, and two of its members elected by said church prior to the last Monday of October.
The President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Alliance shall be ex officio President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Managers.
Art. V.—Officers. The officers of the Alliance shall be chosen by the Board of Managers. And these officers shall be a President, a Vice-President from each cooperating denomination, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee consisting of the President, Secretary and Treasurer ex officio, together with seven other members.
Art. VI.—Amendmetits. This Constitution may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Alliance by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided the amendment shall have been previously approved by the Board of Managers.
Art. I.—President. The President, or in his absence one of the Vice-Presidents, shall preside at all meetings of the Alliance.
Art. II.—Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes