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915 Westchester (Vreedland), 14, 704. Western Civilhation in its Economic As- pects, by W. Cunningham, by E. P. Cheyney (Review), 774. Western Reserve, the, 205, 207. West India Company, charter of the, 1621, I ; colonial government of the, 696, 705 ; colonies of, in Guiana, 53-55 ; policy of the, in New Netherland, 2-10, 12, 15, 16. West Indies, French Experience with Representative Government in the, by Paul S. Reinsch, 475. Westphalia, Peace of, claims to Guiana in the, 51. Westport, Mo., 43, 44, 46-4S. Wharton, Capt. Walter, 719. Wheeler, Benjamin I,, Alexander the Great (Review), 1 13. Wheeler, Thomas, 14. Whig Albany Regency, the, 450. Whig Club, the, 273. Whipple. Henry B , Lights and Shadows of a Long Episcopate, by Charles L. Wells (Review), 177. White, Andrew D., 427 ; Elijah, 283, 289; Hon. Peter, 415, 423, 427. Whitfield, General, 47. Whitman College, 296. Whitman, Marcus, The Legend of, by Edward Gaylord Bourne, 276. Whitman, Perrin B., 28:, 285. Whitmore, William H. (deceased), 1S3. Whorekill plantation, the, 720, 721. Wiapoco, the, 54. Wight, Capt. John, letter by, 519. Wilcox County, Ala., the Kansas question in, 41. Wilkes E.xploring Expedition, 2S9. Willett, Thomas, 699. Williams, J. Rogers (editor), Philip Vickers Fithian : Journal and Letters (Review), 613. Wilson, H. W., Adam Duncan (Review), 388 ; The Downfall of Spain : Naval History of the Spanish-American War, by H. C. Taylor (Review), 159. Wiltwyck, 5, 7, 8. Wimpfifen, la Baronne de (editor), Let- tres de Madame Reinhard a sa Mere, by Ferdinand Schwill (Review), 787. Winchelsea (Sussex), rising in, 668. Windenberger, J. E. , Essai sur la Systime de Politique Etrangire de J. J. Roui- ienu, by C. E. Merriam (Review), 385. Winne, Peter, 267. Winship. George P., Cabot Bibliography , with an Introductory Essay on the Careers of the Cabots, by S. E. Dawson (Review), 574. Winship, George Parker, The Silver Map of the World; A Geographical Es- say, by Miller Christy (Review), 358. Wisconsin, history of, 19S, 200, 202, 205, 207-211, 228, 229; public land policy of, 28, 29, II. Wisconsin, Collections of the State Histori- cal Society of. Vol. XV. (Review), 613. Wisconsin, The University of ; its- History and its Alumni, edited by Reuben G. Thwaites,byA. C. McL. (Review), 392. Wise, Henry A., 233. Wister, Owen, Ulvsses S. Grant (Review), 823. With Both Annies in South Africa, by Richard H. Davis, by Theodore Ayrault Dodge (Review), 611. U^oman, The Legal Protection of, among the Ancient Germans, by William Rull- koetter, by Guy C. Lee (Review), 833. Woodburn, James A., 416. Worcester, Mass., 41. World, the New York, 464. Writings of James Monroe, The,Vo. III., edited by Stanislaus Murray Hamilton (Review), 368; Vol. IV. (Review), 596. Wylie, James H., The Council of Constance to the Death of John Hus, by George Lincoln Burr (Review), 548. Yancey, William L., 41. Yates, Abraham, 267. Ybarguen y Vera, Domingo de, 52. Year 1000, The, and the Antecedents of the Crusades, by George Lincoln Burr, 429. York, 661. Yorkshire, 704, 713. Zachrey, John, 294, 295. Zani, Nicola, 647. Zaubei-wahn, Inquisitionen und Hexen- prozess ini Mittelalter und die Entstehung dergrcssen Hexenverfolgung , von Joseph Hansen, by G. L, B. (Review), 609. Ztnger'i Journal, 447.

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