Index Victoria Queen, 648. Viedma, Don Pedro de, letter from, 57. Villainage in England^ The End of, by Thomas W. Page, by E. P. Cheyney (Review), 355. ViLLARD, Oswald Garrison, Henry Knox, by Noah Brooks (Review), 367. Villegagnon, voyages of, 671, 677, 679. Vincennes, prison of, 238. Vincent, John M., 416, 427. Virginia, 202-204 ; the Great Valley of, 21 ; public land question in, 23. Vittorio Emanuele III., 648. Vlissingen (Flushing), 10. Voltaire, 215, 216, 230, 245. Voss, Frau'ein von, 243, 248. Vreedland (Westchester), 14. Waddington, Minister of Public Instruc- tion, 766-768. Waiilatpu, Ore., 2S0, 283, 284, 297. Waini, the river, 59. Wakarusa War, the, 45. Waldeck-Rousseau government, the, 487. Walker, Bryant, 416; E., 279, 280; Le- Roy Pope, 41 ; Senator, of Wisconsin, 28. Walker, Williston, The Reformation (Re- view), 549. Walker, Williston, Henry Barrow, Separatist, and the Exiled Church of Amsterdam, hy Fred J. Powicke (Re- view), 777. Wallace, D. D., Constitutional History of South Carolina, by W. Roy Smith (Review), 175. Wallace, Hugh, 269. Wallachia, Austrian and Russian influence in, 257. Wallingford Castle, 667. Wallon amendment, the, 492. Walton, Jacob, 274. Walton, Joseph S., Conrad IVetser and the Indian Policy of Colonial Pennsylvania (Review), 816. Warburton, Sir Robert, Eighteen Years in the Khyber, iS^g-iSgS, by Alfred L. P. Dennis (Review), 569. Warren, F. M., Paris as Seen and De- scribed by Famous Writers, edited by Esther Singleton (Review), 170. Washburn, M. C. from Illinois, 30. Washington, D. C, 47. Washington, President, first inaugural of, 213. Watson, Thomas E., Thomas fefferson, by George H. Haynes (Review), S42. Webb, James Watson, 453-456, '459, 461, 463. Webster, Daniel, 204-208, 213, 214, 287, 289, 291, 297-299; Noah, 448. Webster's Lije and Correspondence, 286. Weed, Thurlow, 450-452. Weeden, William B. , The Puritan Re- public of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, by Daniel W. Howe (Review), 138; Stage-Coach and Tav- ern Days, by Alice Morse Earle (Re- view), 580. Weekly Astorian, the, 284. Weiser, Conrad, and the Indian Policy of Colonial Pennsylvania, by Joseph S. Walton (Review), 816. Weisshaupt, Professor, of Ingolstadt, 243- Wells, Charles ,.,Correspondance de Le ยป Coz, Eveque Constitutionnel d^ Ille-et- Vilaine, par le P. Roussel (Review), 133; Histoire des Rapports de l' Eglise et de r Etat en France de lySg a. 1870, par A. Debidour (Review), 362; Lights and Skado-ws of a Long Episcopate, by Henry B. Whipple ( Review ), 177. Welschinger, Henri, editor of Mirabeau's Secret History of the Court of Berlin, 235, 236, 241, 242, 248, 249, 253. Welsh People, The, by John Rhys and David Brynmor Jones, by F. N. Robin- son (Review), 349. Wendell, Barrett, The Clergy in Amer- ican Life and Letters, by Daniel D. Ad- dison (Review), 576 ; A Life of Francis Parkman, by Charles H. Farnham (Re- view), 376; The Transit of Civilization from England to America in the Seven- teenth Century, by Edward Eggleston (Review), S02. Wendell, Barrett, A Literary History of America, by Walter C. Bronson (Re- view), 807. Wesley and Methodism, by F. J. Snell, by William Edwards Huntington (Re- view), 783. West, W. M., English Common Law in the Early American Colonies, by Paul S. Reinsch (Review), 584. Westchester County, 261.